E.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua
Introducing a versatile flavor profile, the E.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua stands out in the Carrillo family of products. This cigar is made exclusively with tobacco leaves from the fertile soil of Nicaragua. In collaboration with Plasencia Cigars, this line is notable for being the first to pass through the door of Carrillo's traditional factory based in the Dominican Republic.
When it comes to manufacturing, E.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua focuses on a precise rolling method that emphasizes the quality and consistency of the finished product. The skilled workforce responsible for this process takes great care to maintain a high standard, which is characteristic of the brand's reputation.
Origin and manufacture
Plasencia Cigars, respected for its cigar expertise and heritage, produces this specimen with rigor. The choice of leaves, grown in the heart of Nicaragua, contributes to the rich nuances of taste offered by the E.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua.
Meticulous attention to detail during the drying and fermentation process gives each cigar an enviable uniformity, essential for lovers of pure, intense flavors.
Taste profile
Combining complexity and balance, the E.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua exhibits a rich array of notes when tasted. The primary flavors claimed by this cigar include woody touches, hints of damp earth and a gentle coffee nuance.
The intensity of the product is considerable without being overpowering, making this cigar an excellent option for both seasoned connoisseurs and those wishing to deepen their experience with premium Nicaraguan tobaccos.
Tradition and Innovation
E.P. Carrillo, founded on a tradition of creating first-class cigars, continues to innovate with the E.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua. This extension of the INCH series reflects a constant quest to diversify and improve the range of cigars produced.
The combination of Carrillo's tradition with Nicaragua's world-renowned cultivation methods is a real bridge between the old and new worlds of cigar making.
Cultural Impact
The INCH series has influenced today's cigar market, introducing products tailored to the preferences of a modern audience while preserving the cultural aspects of the cigar-smoking ritual. The E.P. Carrillo Inch Nicaragua, with its blend of flavors and quality craftsmanship, reflects this cultural impact and embodies the values of craftsmanship and excellence.
From the meticulous selection of terroirs to the thoughtful taste experience, each Carrillo cigar category respects the historical depth and importance of the cigar industry.