Cigares Don Tomás - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Don Tomás

Renowned for their impeccable construction that ensures even burning, Don Tomás cigars are part of a tradition of quality, crafted by experts such as master blender Agustin Garcia and tobacco grower Pedro Gurdian. Their distinctive features are the fruit of a unique combination of fertile Nicaraguan terroirs and a rigorous selection of tobaccos, including the robustness of Piloto Cubano and the aromatic balance of Brazilian Arapiraca leaf. This balanced blend offers earthy aromas and mild spicy flavors, forming a medium-strength tasting experience suitable for a variety of cigar enthusiasts. They symbolize the evolution of cigar art worldwide and offer excellent value for money.

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Don Tomás

The Don Tomás series

In the world of cigars, the Don Tomás brand occupies a distinguished place thanks to a reputation founded on the quality and consistency of its products. Carefully crafted, Don Tomás cigars are the result of collaboration between talented tobacco blenders and growers.

Origins and Manufacturing Process

The Don Tomás Nicaragua series emerges from the expertise of master blender Agustin Garcia, in collaboration with Esteli's blending team and tobacco producer Pedro Gurdian. These cigars embody the exploitation of Nicaragua's fertile soils. They are blended with particular emphasis on the balance between the various tobacco leaves that make them up.

Cigar components

The wrapper is a leaf carefully cultivated in the Jalapa region of Nicaragua, famous for its decisive influence on the cigar's aroma and appearance. The binder, sourced from Arapiraca in Brazil, plays a crucial role in giving the blend its characteristic balance. The tripe leaves are meticulously selected from the best Nicaraguan harvests and are complemented by Piloto Cubano from the Dominican Republic.

Quality Construction and Tasting Experience

Don Tomás are distinguished by their impeccable workmanship, which guarantees uniform, even combustion. This contributes to a smooth and pleasant tasting experience. They have a medium-intensity flavor profile, making them suitable for a wide range of cigar enthusiasts. Perceived quality in relation to price proves highly advantageous for consumers.

Tasting Notes

The palate is greeted by nuanced aromas and flavors blending earthy touches with those of sweet spices. The subtle balance between Nicaraguan robustness and the fine sweetness of Piloto Cubano gives Don Tomás a much-appreciated complexity and roundness.

Cultural and traditional impact

The Don Tomás series illustrates the evolution of cigar-making traditions around the world. With specific farming and fermentation practices, these cigars bear witness to the fusion of the old and the new, influencing global cigar culture with original contributions.


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