Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial
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Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial

Created by My Father Cigars SA and christened at a launch in New York in 2009, the Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial line pays tribute to its creator, Jaime Garcia. Combining tradition and innovation, these half-bodied, full-bodied cigars are renowned for their rich Broad Leaf wrapper and their composition of Nicaraguan tobaccos, imparting balanced tasting notes such as sweet spices, coffee and chocolate. Available in six different sizes, Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial are meticulously constructed and presented in boxes of twenty, promising a rich and complex tasting experience that celebrates the Garcia family heritage in the world of cigars.

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Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial


Introduction to Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial

Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial is a series of cigars from the renowned company My Father Cigars SA. Originally launched at an event in New York in December 2009, the brand is named after its creator, Jaime Garcia, son of the renowned Don Pepin Garcia. The production line, initially ephemeral for an event, has grown in popularity to become a fixed element of the company's offering.

Design and features

At the heart of each Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial cigar lies a rigorously selected blend of tobaccos. The wrapper of these cigars is characterized by the use of Broad Leaf, known for its robust, oily texture. What's more, both the filler and the binder originate from Nicaragua, consolidating their distinctive flavor profile influenced by the rich soil of this region.

Variations and Dimensions

This range comes in six different sizes, allowing cigar enthusiasts to find the size that best suits their smoking experience. Each presentation is meticulously assembled and packaged in boxes of twenty, made from natural wood to preserve quality.

Sensory profile

Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial offers a medium-bodied flavor profile, providing a rich yet balanced experience for connoisseurs. Tasting notes traditionally include a combination of sweet spices, coffee and chocolate, producing a complex, palate-pleasing assortment.

Manufacturing and Quality

Quality of construction is at the heart of My Father Cigars SA's reputation. Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial benefit from this meticulous attention, with manufacturing that respects traditional methods while incorporating modern production techniques. The result is a reliable product with an even burn and a solid structure.

Cultural impact and heritage

The introduction and perpetuation of Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial within cigar culture is testimony to the indelible mark left by the Garcia family on the industry. This range represents the harmony between family heritage and contemporary innovation, contributing to the growth and evolution of cigar-making tradition worldwide.


In short, Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial cigars embody a respectful fusion of traditional craftsmanship and culminating excellence in quality cigar production. Their diversity of sizes and rich aromatic palette offer connoisseurs a thoughtful smoking experience that honors the history and reputation established by the Garcia name.


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