Don Duarte Reserva Privada Fuerte - La Couronne S.A.
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Don Duarte Reserva Privada Fuerte

Don Duarte Reserva Privada Fuerte, the pride of one of Nicaragua's most notable cigar lines, offers a rich experience for cigar lovers. Available in FUERTE, DOBLE FUERTE and MADURO variants, this line is distinguished primarily by its varied use of Ligero tobacco, with DOBLE FUERTE being the most intense. These hand-crafted longfillers in five vitolas bear witness to a renowned savoir-faire, fashioned by Evelio Oviedo and perpetuated ever since. The Duarte-Rodriguez family, at the heart of Esteli's smoking history, present these cigars as representatives of unrivalled heritage and sophistication, reinforcing Nicaragua's stature in world cigar culture.

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Don Duarte Reserva Privada Fuerte


Don Duarte Reserva Privada Fuerte

Introducing the Don Duarte Reserva Privada Fuerte, a line of cigars from Nicaragua that represents the pinnacle of the brand's craftsmanship. As part of the Don Duarte brand, the Reserva Privada Fuerte exists alongside several variants, each differing in intensity and composition.

Overview of Variants

The Reserva Privada Fuerte is available in FUERTE, DOBLE FUERTE, and MADURO variants. The distinguishing feature between the FUERTE and the DOBLE FUERTE is the amount of Ligero tobacco used, with the DOBLE being the stronger of the two. The MADURO variant, on the other hand, is a standard FUERTE wrapped in a Maduro leaf to enhance the flavor profile.

Brand Heritage and Founding

Dr. Roger Duarte-Rodriguez, member of one of Nicaragua's oldest cigar dynasties, initiated the creation of these cigars. His forefather, Don Rafael Rodriguez, was a pioneer in exporting Nicaraguan tobacco. Similarly, Dona Mariana Duarte Boza, his great-grandmother, had a significant influence on the tobacco industry. The Duarte-Rodriguez family is an integral part of tobacco's heritage in Esteli, the heart of Nicaragua's cigar capital.

Construction and Craftsmanship

All sizes within the Don Duarte Reserva Privada line are handmade longfillers, reflecting the traditional methods of cigar making. Currently, the line offers five distinct vitolas across the three variants, resulting in fifteen unique cigar options. The blends were crafted by Evelio Oviedo, a respected figure in the industry, whose crafting techniques are continued even after his passing in 2009.

Geographic Origin and Tobacco

The Don Duarte Reserva Privada Fuerte is anchored in Nicaraguan tradition, with tobaccos sourced from the fertile regions of the country. The blend is carefully composed to deliver the distinct flavor profiles associated with the region while adhering to quality standards.

Tasting Notes and Flavor Profile

The FUERTE variant is known for its robust flavor and medium to full-body strength, delivering a balanced array of tasting notes. The DOBLE FUERTE elevates the intensity for aficionados seeking a more potent experience. Lastly, the MADURO variety offers a complex array of flavors due to the Maduro leaf, lending a sweeter, more mature taste.

Impact on Cigar Culture

As a product of Nicaraguan heritage, the Don Duarte Reserva Privada Fuerte has contributed to the country's esteemed position in the world of cigars. Through a blend of traditional skills and innovative blending, these cigars have become a point of reference for quality and complexity within the industry.


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