CAO Session - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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CAD Session

The CAO Session is a cigar meticulously crafted by Ricky Rodriguez and Yuri Guillen, embodying the conviviality of cigar-lovers' gatherings. Fusing tradition and modernity, its rich composition includes carefully selected leaves, offering medium-bodied notes with every tasting. The wrapper benefits from a unique post-fermentation process, enhancing the cigar's depth of flavor and dark color. Renowned for its quality, the CAO Session offers a homogeneous burn and is adorned with meticulous aesthetics. This cigar symbolizes a social vector with a strong cultural impact, suitable for all occasions and aimed at novices and connoisseurs alike, promising a sensory experience as complex as it is rewarding.

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CAD Session


CAO Session: A meticulously designed cigar

The CAO Session cigar represents the culmination of a collaborative effort by Ricky Rodriguez and Yuri Guillen. This creation draws its inspiration from the many hours spent enjoying cigars in intimate spaces such as garages, places conducive to confessions and sessions shared between enthusiasts. Balanced and designed to accompany every moment, the CAO Session is a companion of choice for a variety of occasions.

Composition and origin

The design of the CAO Session is rooted in the rich tradition of tobacco, with a complex blend of carefully selected leaves. The CAO Session filler, the heart of the cigar, holds a blend highlighting bold aromas from different regions. The wrapper, treated by a unique post-fermentation process, embellishes the product while deepening its flavor palette and enhancing its distinctly dark color.

Manufacturing quality

CAO's reputation for creating quality cigars is reflected in the expertise demonstrated in the making of CAO Session. Every stage, from harvesting to rolling, is the object of rigorous attention. This guarantees a cigar that is not only aesthetically appealing but also consistent in burn and flavor with every use.

Taste profile

The CAO Session falls into the medium-bodied category, an ideal balance for a wide spectrum of consumers. The taste characteristics reveal notes with a strong character, inviting you on a rich sensory journey that develops and evolves as the tasting progresses. Amateurs and connoisseurs alike will discover a harmony of intensity and subtlety.

Cultural Impact and Traditions

The world of cigars is a place of tradition, but also of innovation, where each brand makes its own contribution to the cultural edifice. The CAO Session, in this respect, is not just a cigar; it is an ambassador of encounters and exchanges, reflecting the impact of cigars as a social vector through the ages. It is part of a modern era, while respecting the legacy of its predecessors.

The evolution of CAD cigars

The CAO cigar categories have followed a rich evolutionary path, where each product has captured the essence of its time while meeting the expectations of a varied clientele. This dynamic has given rise to the CAO Session, a product that bears witness to a history of passion and adaptation, aimed at offering an ever more complex and satisfying tasting experience.


CAO Session embodies both tradition and modernity in cigar making. Its manufacturing process, combining ancestral practices with contemporary innovations, produces cigars of consistent quality. Finally, its medium-bodied flavor paves the way for universal tasting, ideal anywhere and on any occasion.


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