Asylum - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Asylum is a brand of cigars characterized by their bold size and flavor, designed by Christian Eiroa and Tom Lazuka. These cigars offer an escape from everyday life, inviting relaxation in a large format, with dark hues and rich flavors. Hand-crafted for consistent quality, they engage the senses with aromas of chocolate, spices and coffee. Their visuals, combining tradition and modernity, reflect their philosophy of respecting cigar craftsmanship while innovating. Renowned in the world of cigar aficionados, Asylum perpetuates the history of cigar culture while bringing a contemporary touch to this heritage.

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The Asylum brand offers a range of cigars known for their generous dimensions and pronounced flavor. Founded by Christian Eiroa and Tom Lazuka, Asylum aims to offer smokers moments of tranquility through its creations.

Distinctive features

Asylum cigars are characterized by their imposing size, offering consumers an extended smoking time. They also feature a dark hue and a rich, full-bodied flavor profile, coveted by those seeking an assertive experience.

Complexity and depth

The construction of each Asylum cigar reveals careful attention to detail. Connoisseurs will find varied tasting notes that gradually intensify, providing a complex and satisfying smoking experience.

Aesthetics and presentation

Asylum cigars are renowned for their distinctive visuals, elegantly blending tradition and innovation. This attention to aesthetics underlines the brand's character and commitment to quality and originality.

Origin and manufacture

Asylum cigars draw their richness from the fertile soils of their homeland, where tobacco is carefully grown and harvested. Their design involves traditional rolling and aging methods, ensuring consistent flavor and impeccable quality.

Flavor profile

The taste experience of Asylum cigars is robust, often marked by spicy nuances, chocolate and hints of coffee. These flavors are well balanced, making each cigar complex and appealing to the palate.

History and Cultural Impact

Asylum's origins lie in the rich history of cigar culture. The brand has acquired a respected place among aficionados, contributing to the contemporary evolution of cigar traditions worldwide.

Innovation and Tradition

In embracing the heritage of cigar making, Asylum has also introduced innovations, as evidenced by the exceptional dimension of its creations. This balance between respect for ancestral methods and contribution to innovation illustrates the brand's philosophy.


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