Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli

Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli cigars celebrate the excellence of Esteli, a Nicaraguan town famous for being the heart of cigar production. The town is known for its fertile volcanic soil, which contributes to the cultivation of exceptional tobacco. These cigars boast impeccable construction and a seductive wrapper, promising a balanced, easy draw. Connoisseurs will be seduced by a rich, complex flavor profile, where black pepper, leather and earthy notes meet nuances of dried fruit and coffee. The range offers various vitolas to satisfy a variety of preferences while retaining the series' identity. The success of the Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli testifies to the cultural importance of Esteli and its influence on cigar making and taste worldwide.

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Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli


Introduction to Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli

Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli cigars stand as privileged witnesses to the excellence of the town of Esteli in Nicaragua. Alan Rubin, the visionary force behind Alec Bradley, celebrates with this range the richness of the town renowned as the heart of cigar production in the country.

Origin and manufacture

Esteli is known for its fertile volcanic soil, an undeniable asset in tobacco growing. On these lands, the tobacco that makes up Black Market Esteli is grown, then carefully fermented and aged. The tradition of the art of cigar making is firmly rooted here, combined with modern production techniques.

Construction and features

Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli cigars are renowned for their impeccable construction. With an attractive wrapper and filler leaves from fertile soils, these cigars strike a sought-after balance between strength and easy draw.

Taste profile

Cigar lovers can expect a complex taste profile. Notes of black pepper, earth and leather blend harmoniously with dried fruit and coffee tones, resulting in a rich multi-sensory experience.

The range

The Black Market Esteli is available in several vitolas, catering to size and format preferences. Each cigar in this series offers a unique experience while retaining the line's distinctive character.

Cultural Impact and Evolution

The Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli is not just a luxury product, it's a standard-bearer for Nicaraguan culture. Its success incorporates local history and tastes while influencing international consumer practices.


The Alec Bradley brand, with its Black Market Esteli series, pays tribute to tradition while inviting connoisseurs to explore exceptional tobaccos. The tasting experience offered by this range echoes Esteli's enriched lands and heritage.


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