The essence of Alec Bradley
The story of the Alec Bradley Cigar Company is one of passion turned profession. Founded in 1996 by enthusiasts determined to produce quality cigars, the company has evolved with the challenges of the market.
From joining forces in 1998 to create Occidental Reserve to developing today's sophisticated blends, Alec Bradley represents a relentless quest for balance between tradition and innovation.
The Alec Bradley signature
At the heart of the Alec Bradley brand identity is the diversity of tobaccos used. The leaves come mainly from Honduras, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, each bringing a particular nuance to the whole.
This heterogeneity of origins translates into a variety of flavor profiles, from light, simple notes to full-bodied, aromatic blends.
Construction and Quality
Alec Bradley cigars are renowned for their impeccable construction, the result of a rigorous selection of tobaccos and a demanding manufacturing process. The rollers, or torcedores, are highly skilled craftsmen who produce cigars of great consistency.
Enthusiasts will note the regular combustion and the well-applied hood, evidence of the care taken at every stage of creation.
Aromatic palette
The Alec Bradley brand offers a vast palette of flavors, designed to appeal to a wide range of palates. These include notes of cocoa, leather and earth, sometimes punctuated by spicy accents or soft fruity touches.
Each cigar is an invitation to a sensory journey, where the blending of flavors creates a unique tasting experience.
Tradition and renewal
Respecting a centuries-old tradition in the art of cigar making, Alec Bradley does not hesitate to incorporate new techniques and approaches into its manufacturing process. This alchemy between old and new is evident in both the construction and character of their cigars.
The commitment to quality is unwavering, and is reflected in the brand's continued presence on world markets, testifying to its significant impact on cigar culture.