Introduction to New World Cigars by AJ Fernandez
New World by AJ Fernandez cigars take their name from the "New World" era launched by Christopher Columbus. This range is a tribute to the discovery of the Americas, where many of the best tobacco terroirs are to be found. Consisting of a varied ensemble, each category has its own distinctive history and composition.
AJ Fernandez profile
Founded by Abdel "AJ" Fernandez, the brand has forged a solid reputation in the cigar world. The brand's philosophy is based on respect for traditional methods while constantly innovating. Originally from Cuba, and benefiting from a family heritage in the cigar industry, AJ Fernandez relies on techniques handed down from generation to generation.
Composition and Construction
AJ Fernandez's New World range is characterized by a meticulous selection of tobaccos. The leaves come from regions such as Nicaragua, where the brand owns plantations. The process of building the cigars is carried out by hand by experienced craftsmen, ensuring a firm structure and even burning.
Origins and Terroirs
Each category in the New World range draws its originality from the geographical origins of the tobaccos used. For example, varieties from the EstelĂ region of Nicaragua are renowned for their robust body and rich aroma. AJ Fernandez uses the specificities of each terroir to create unique flavor profiles.
Tasting Notes
New World cigars are distinguished by their rich and diverse palette of flavors. Typical notes range from spicy, woody nuances to milder touches of chocolate or coffee, reflecting the complexity of the tobacco blends. Cigar aficionados can look forward to a gustatory journey as they journey through the different categories in this range.
Cultural influence and history
The New World range has significantly influenced modern cigar culture. By reviving ancestral growing and rolling methods while incorporating innovations, AJ Fernandez has left its mark on the history of the industry. Each category carries a piece of this history, attracting aficionados and newcomers to the world of cigars alike.
Traditions and Innovations
AJ Fernandez skilfully combines age-old traditions with bold innovations. The preservation of inherited seeds and classic growing practices offers a guarantee of quality and authenticity. At the same time, the use of new drying and blending techniques places these cigars at the frontier of innovation.
New World by AJ Fernandez cigars represent a bridge between the past and the future of cigars. With a range of flavors that stretches clandestinely through full-bodied profiles to lighter blends, there's an experience to be created for every cigar lover. As the brand continues to evolve and expand, its contribution to cigar culture is undeniable, paying homage to the pioneering spirit enshrined in its name.