AJ Fernandez - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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AJ Fernandez

AJ Fernandez cigars embody a union of tradition and innovation in the cigar industry. Made in Esteli, Nicaragua, by AJ Fernandez - heir to a rich Cuban family heritage - these high-quality cigars are crafted under his careful supervision. The use of exclusive seeds and the mastery of ancestral techniques combined with patience make AJ Fernandez long-filler tobaccos distinctive products. The brand stands out for its earthy, spicy aromas, with hints of cocoa and coffee. Each cigar reflects the unique potential of Nicaraguan terroir, influencing the world's premium cigar culture.

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AJ Fernandez


AJ Fernandez cigars

AJ Fernandez is a renowned brand in the cigar world, known for its dedication to traditional manufacturing practices combined with innovative techniques. Created in Esteli, Nicaragua, AJ Fernandez creations are the fruit of knowledge handed down from generation to generation within the Fernandez family.

Promoting Nicaraguan Terroir

AJ Fernandez cigars are distinguished by the use of locally grown tobacco. The rich volcanic soil of Esteli gives rise to a tobacco with complex and distinct aromas. AJ Fernandez preserves this character by controlling every stage of production, from sowing to harvesting the tobacco leaves.

Cigar categories

The AJ Fernandez range includes several lines of cigars, each with its own particularities in terms of aromatic profiles, formats and rolling techniques. Some series, such as San Lotano or Enclave, are based on family recipes, while others employ more contemporary methods to create original blends.

Manufacturing processes

Taking a meticulous approach, AJ Fernandez cigars benefit from a long-filler process, revealing rich, balanced flavors during tasting. Each cigar is hand-rolled, ensuring impeccable construction and even burning.

Terroirs and varieties of tobacco

The commitment to diversity is reflected in the selection of tobaccos used. From precious proprietary seeds to imported varieties, each AJ Fernandez cigar features an interplay of flavors specific to its geographic origin, whether Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic or other tobacco-producing regions.

Tasting Notes

Tasting notes for AJ Fernandez cigars vary from series to series. However, some cigars are known for their earthy, spicy aromas, hints of cocoa and coffee, and the presence of herbaceous or floral nuances. Each tasting promises a rich and nuanced experience for the cigar lover.

Heritage and Innovation

Through its product offering, AJ Fernandez skilfully blends tradition and innovation. Cuban heritage permeates every cigar, while the use of modern approaches to tobacco growing and fermentation sets the brand apart among cigar aficionados the world over.

Cultural Impact and Evolution

The influence of AJ Fernandez cigars has contributed to the evolution of cigar culture worldwide. Highlighting Nicaragua's influence in the production of premium cigars, each category in the AJ Fernandez range illustrates the potential and variability of flavours that this terroir can offer.


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