Mexican cigars - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Mexican cigars

Mexican cigars, steeped in millennia of tradition, offer a unique experience rooted in the history and terroir of Veracruz. This region, in particular the San Andres Valley, boasts rich volcanic soil and an ideal climate for growing tobacco, giving rise to leaves of exceptional quality.

Mexico's flagship variety, San Andreas Negro tobacco, is distinguished by its dark, pronounced Maduro wrapper, appreciated for its rich, complex aromas. Cigars made from this variety offer an intense, refined tasting experience, while featuring innovative blends of tobaccos from different origins, enabling a distinctive palette of flavors to be savored.

Despite some past perceptions, Mexican cigar production in the San Andres Valley has proved its quality, exporting its precious leaves all over the world and contributing to the production of cigars with deep aromas and unforgettable flavours. Mexican cigars embody the authenticity and know-how of an entire region, celebrating a unique tobacco tradition.

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Mexican cigars


History and culture

Mexico's cigar heritage is rooted in a long history, beginning with the Mayans, who smoked tobacco and used it in rituals. With the state of Veracruz as the epicenter of cultivation, the San Andres Valley has particularly distinguished itself for the quality of its volcanic soil and climatic conditions conducive to the production of renowned tobaccos.

Distinctive Mexican tobaccos

The San Andreas Negro tobacco variety is the ambassador of Mexican tobacco. Renowned for its essential contribution to the composition of cigar bindings and wrappers, this tobacco is transformed into a dark, pronounced Maduro wrapper after harvesting. Other varieties such as Mexican-Sumatra and Connecticut dicotyledonous are also successfully grown in the same region.

Cigar production trends

Once regulated by a law requiring 100% Mexican cigars (puros), Mexico diversified its production after this law was repealed in 1996. Today, producers create innovative blends by combining tobaccos from different origins, giving rise to a wide range of flavors and aromas.

Mexican cigars on the international market

Renowned for their top-quality Maduro wrappers, Mexican cigars have conquered a key role as international suppliers, particularly for manufacturers in the Dominican Republic. This recognition extends beyond our borders, confirming Mexico's influence on the global cigar market.

Quality and perception

Despite a sometimes mixed reputation when it comes to cigar construction, producers in the San Andres Valley produce quality cigars that make a positive contribution to the industry's image. They offer an authentic experience marked by the flavours and aromas characteristic of the region.


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