Cigares Honduriens 3 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Honduran cigars

Our carefully selected collection of Honduran cigars offers a unique experience for every cigar lover. With recognized brands such as Villa Zamorano, known for its excellent value and traditional nutty, earthy notes, and Camacho, distinguished by robust, spicy cigars, there's something for every taste. Alec Bradley brings innovation to the complexity of flavors with hints of cocoa and coffee, while Flor De Selva offers intoxicating sweetness and floral flavors. La Estancia highlights the artisanal aspect, with earthy notes typical of Honduras. We guarantee traceability and authenticity thanks to our dedicated traceability section, ensuring impeccable quality and total satisfaction.

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Honduran cigars


Honduran cigars

Honduran cigars are renowned for their rich diversity and consistent quality. This segment of the market features established names such as Villa Zamorano, Camacho, Alec Bradley, Flor De Selva and La Estancia, each with its own distinct heritage and style.

Villa Zamorano

Handmade, Villa Zamorano cigars are renowned for their excellent value for money. Grown in Honduras and composed mainly of Honduran tobacco, they offer an accessible experience for lovers of traditional flavors. Notes of nuts and earth characterize their tasting profiles.


Camacho stands out for its cigars with a medium to high strength profile. Using tobaccos from different regions, including the famous Jamastran Valley in Honduras, the brand is synonymous with robustness and spicy notes, ideal for the aficionado looking for a cigar with character.

Alec Bradley

The Alec Bradley brand is renowned for its innovation and complexity of flavors. Its cigars, often composed of an international blend of tobaccos, bring varied tastings with notes that can include hints of cocoa, coffee, and a rich balance on the palate.

Flor De Selva

Flor De Selva is a celebration of Honduran cigar traditions, with its sweet, aromatic flavours. It offers an assortment often marked by floral flavors and a gentle creaminess, making it an excellent choice for those who appreciate finesse and elegance on the palate.

La Estancia

La Estancia represents an artisanal approach to Honduran cigars. With an emphasis on traditional growing and rolling methods, the brand offers cigars that celebrate the local terroir with earthy notes and the controlled strength of Honduran know-how.

Traceability and Warranty

The provenance and quality of Honduran cigars are assured by strict traceability measures. Enthusiasts are encouraged to seek information via the resources provided by specialist retailers, ensuring authenticity and satisfaction in every cigar choice.


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