Eiroa Classic - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Eiroa Classic

Eiroa Classic cigars celebrate over a hundred years of rich family tradition in the cigar industry. Characterized by robust flavors and traditional craftsmanship, these cigars begin with delicate notes of leather and pepper, then offer a complex blend of sweet and savory sensations. Their flavor profile intensifies towards a richer character, ending with a lingering finish of cocoa, coffee and cream. Precisely hand-crafted, Eiroa Classic cigars pay tribute to their family heritage by being presented in distinctive boxes, enhanced by a leather ribbon that recalls the days when Christian Eiroa's grandfather kept his cigars in a trunk. These notable cigars combine tradition with exceptional flavours, perpetuating the Eiroa brand's history in modern cigar culture.

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Eiroa Classic


Introduction to Eiroa Classic Cigars

The Eiroa Classic line of cigars stands as a testament to a rich family legacy in the cigar industry. These cigars are notable for their robust flavors and the traditional craftsmanship they embody.

Origins and Legacy

Eiroa cigars originate from a family operation with a history spanning over a century. The brand honors the Eiroa family's longstanding tradition in tobacco cultivation and cigar manufacturing. The inception of Eiroa Classic is a nod to the past, maintaining the esteemed family name in today's market.

Blend and Construction

Each Eiroa Classic cigar is carefully handcrafted using premium tobaccos. The exact blend of tobaccos is selected to create a distinct flavor profile that is both bold and balanced, with an emphasis on quality and consistency in each smoke.

Flavor Profile

Begins with subtle leather and pepper nuances, the Eiroa Classic reveals a distinctive taste that includes a sharp, pleasantly contrasting sweet and salty undercurrent. Upon entering the second third, the flavor profile expands, offering a richer character. The lasting finish is notable, leaving hints of cocoa, coffee, and cream on the palate.


The craftsmanship behind every Eiroa Classic cigar is meticulous. Paying homage to the Eiroa family's roots, each cigar is presented in unique boxes adorned with a leather ribbon, a nod to Christian Eiroa's grandfather who kept his personal cigar stash at the foot of his bed inside a trunk.

Global Impact and Culture

The Eiroa Classic, and indeed the brand's entire portfolio, contributes to the ongoing tapestry of cigar culture around the world. The artistry and traditional methods used in creating these cigars reflect a deep respect for history while embracing contemporary practices in tobacco cultivation and cigar manufacturing.


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