C.L.E. Connecticut - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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C.L.E. Connecticut

C.L.E. Connecticut cigars, created by renowned master blender Christian Eiroa, offer an exceptional collaboration of tradition and innovation in the world of habanos. With a Connecticut wrapper from Ecuador and filler from quality Honduran tobaccos, these cigars promise uniform combustion and a steady draw. Their medium-strength flavor profile harmoniously balances flavors of roasted nuts, cream, leather notes and a touch of spice. These cigars combine the richness of cigar-making history with the modernity needed to appeal to connoisseurs and new enthusiasts alike, continuing to exert a notable influence on the world's cigar cultural heritage.

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C.L.E. Connecticut



C.L.E. Connecticut cigars stand out in the habano world thanks to their quality and distinct flavor profile. Christian Eiroa, renowned in the industry for his expertise, introduces a subtle and careful nuance to this range.

Origin and manufacture

Each C.L.E. Connecticut cigar is made with an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper surrounding a careful blend of Honduran tobaccos. These components are grown in regions renowned for their fertile soil and ideal climatic conditions for tobacco cultivation.

Specific features

C.L.E. Connecticut cigars are renowned for their uniform burn and consistent draw. This level of quality is achieved through meticulous production control, with each cigar being carefully evaluated before distribution.

Taste profile

The C.L.E. Connecticut blend is often described as medium in strength. Cigar lovers can expect to discover predominant notes of roasted nuts and cream, accompanied by accents of leather and light spices.

Tradition and Innovation

The C.L.E. brand draws on tradition while integrating innovative processes to capture the essence of a modern medium-bodied cigar. This reflects a balance between ancestral cigar-making methods and innovative approaches.

History and evolution

The cigar craze has encouraged the constant evolution of aficionados' tastes and preferences. C.L.E. Connecticut honors this history by offering an experience that appeals to connoisseurs and new explorers of the cigar art alike.

Cultural Impact

Cigars have always had a significant impact on world culture, and varieties such as C.L.E. Connecticut continue to make their mark. Their international presence testifies to the growing influence of Honduran cigars on the global market.


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