History of Camacho cigars
Camacho cigars are rooted in a rich history beginning with their founder, Simon Camacho. Launched in 1961, the brand began in Florida and soon benefited from the quality of Nicaraguan tobacco. In the 1990s, the brand was acquired by the Eiroa family, who moved production to Honduras.
Manufacturing process
Camacho cigars combine tradition and innovation. With a strong Cuban heritage, the transition of production from Nicaragua to Honduras has enabled Camacho to maintain excellence in the quality of their tobacco. In 2008, the acquisition of the brand by the Oettinger Group, which also owns Davidoff, marked a new stage, while preserving the Eiroa family's fields.
The quality of Camacho cigars
Camacho cigars stand out for their quality construction and distinctive flavor profile. They are known for using mature Honduran tobacco leaves, which offer distinct earthy and spicy notes to their product range.
The Camacho cigar range
Camacho offers several categories of cigars that reflect both the Honduran terroir and the brand's Cuban roots. Each category has its own characteristics, such as the type of tobacco used, the fermentation method and the aromatic profile.
Assessment and tasting
Each Camacho cigar is designed to offer a unique tasting experience, with notes that can vary from woody to fruity, depending on the specific series. Designed to satisfy initiates and connoisseurs alike, Camacho cigars appeal for their consistency and broad palette of flavors.