Camacho Nicaragua - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Camacho Nicaragua

Camacho Nicaragua cigars, heirs to the brand established in 1962, are renowned for embodying freedom and the celebration of life, while embracing a heritage full of resilience. Inspired by the fire and richness of Nicaragua's volcanic soil, these cigars offer a complex and intense taste experience. Combining the robust flavors of Nicaragua with those of Honduras and the sweetness of the Dominican Republic, each cigar is built with precise craftsmanship, ensuring an even burn and full smoke. Camacho Nicaragua stands for uncompromising quality and tradition, promising a bold and unforgettable experience for connoisseurs in search of a product with a strong identity and a character that cannot be tamed.

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Camacho Nicaragua


Introduction to Camacho Nicaragua cigars

Established in 1962, Camacho is a cigar brand that celebrates life and freedom through its creations. Their product range reflects the brand's deep-rooted heritage, while embodying resilience in every way. At the heart of Camacho's assortment is the Camacho Nicaragua series, which invites its fans on a spicy and intense taste journey.

Profile and origin

Stemming from the rich industry of Nicaragua, known for its fertile volcanic soil, the Camacho Nicaragua series offers a flavor profile that only Central American lands can provide. Camacho's tobacco growers and craftsmen have put their expertise to work to take advantage of local potentium and create precisely balanced blends.

Manufacturing and Construction

The cigars in this line are crafted with uncompromising technical rigor. In terms of construction, they offer homogeneous burning capacity and satisfactory smoke output thanks to their carefully selected materials and controlled wrapping of the tobacco leaves.

Mixture composition

The composition of Camacho Nicaragua tobaccos varies to offer a variety of experiences. Typically, the blend includes a wrapper of leaves grown in Ecuador, a binder from Honduras and a filler rooted in Nicaragua, Honduras and the Dominican Republic, combining robustness and sweetness.

Tasting Notes

When it comes to flavor, Camacho Nicaragua cigars are renowned for their complexity and aromatic nuances. The commonly encountered notes of oak, spice and sugar are testimony to a soil rich in nutrients and minerals steeped in volcanic history, providing a memorable tasting experience.

History & Culture

Faithful to tradition yet embracing innovation, Camacho cigars represent not only a history of passion for tobacco but also the evolution of manufacturing practices. Their impact on global cigar culture remains undeniable, with growing recognition for original blends such as Camacho Nicaragua.

Committed to Quality

While celebrating Camacho's rich heritage and values, the Nicaragua series testifies to the brand's commitment to quality and consistency. No detail is overlooked in the making of these masterpieces, from the growing fields to the consumer's hand.


Camacho Nicaragua is aimed at connoisseurs looking for a cigar that combines tradition and bold character, while offering a window onto Nicaragua's singular terroir. This series reflects Camacho's committed approach to presenting products that challenge palates and celebrate an authentic cigar culture.


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