Alec Bradley (Honduras) - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Alec Bradley

Founded in 1996 by Ralph, eager to devote his life to his passion for cigars despite limited initial knowledge, Alec Bradley Cigar Company distinguished itself even after the decline of the 1998 U.S. cigar boom, uniting talents to create Occidental Reserve. The company defines itself by its humility and commitment to quality without pretending to make "the best cigars", but offering balanced blends with diverse personalities. Alec Bradley cigars are characterized by the diversity of their tobaccos, sourced mainly from Honduras, but also from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, making them attractive to novices and aficionados alike, with a range from light to full-bodied.

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Alec Bradley


Alec Bradley's story

Founded in 1996, Alec Bradley Cigar Company is the embodiment of perseverance and devotion to the art of cigar making. Despite a start marked by a lack of in-depth knowledge, passion for cigars has guided the company through the challenges of the industry.

Faced with the decline of the cigar "boom" in the United States in 1998, Alec Bradley succeeded in distinguishing itself by combining expertise and collaboration. The launch of the Occidental Reserve marked a turning point, demonstrating their ability to produce quality cigars appreciated by cigar aficionados.

Diversity and Origins

Alec Bradley cigars are characterized by their diversity, blending tobaccos from different origins. Mainly from Honduras, the tobacco leaves are complemented by varieties from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, bringing distinct aromatic profiles.

The combination of these diverse terroirs enriches the flavor palette of Alec Bradley cigars, offering a varied selection ranging from light notes to more robust, complex flavors.

Commitment to Quality

Alec Bradley's approach is based on a commitment to simplicity and honesty. Without claiming to produce "the best cigars", the emphasis is on quality and respect for tradition.

Their philosophy is to create balanced blends reflecting different personalities. This results in a range of cigars with well-defined characteristics, designed for the enjoyment of aficionados.

Flavor profile

The signature of Alec Bradley cigars is found in their flavor profile, where each category offers a unique taste experience. Tasters can expect notes ranging from subtle, herbal tones to rich bouquets of leather and spice.

This diversity of flavors is accessible both to neophytes wishing to explore the world of cigars and to connoisseurs in search of specific, sophisticated nuances.

Construction and Manufacturing

The manufacture of Alec Bradley cigars reveals a mastery of craftsmanship where construction is thought out to ensure even burning and an optimal smoking experience. Modules vary, offering a range of formats to satisfy the diverse preferences of smokers.

Rigorous selection of capes, binders and filler leaves guarantees finished products of consistent quality, with each cigar bearing witness to the company's expertise.


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