Alec & Bradley Kintsugi - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Alec & Bradley Kintsugi

The Alec & Bradley Kintsugi cigar, the work of Alec and Bradley Rubin, celebrates the art of repairing with gold and the unity it symbolizes in the cigar community. Carefully crafted in Honduras, this medium-bodied cigar showcases high quality Honduran wrapper and a balanced blend of Nicaraguan sub-wrapper and Honduran and Nicaraguan filler. Its steady burn and delicate flavor profile, combining wood, leather, coffee and mild spices, give it a notable appreciation among aficionados. Just as golden lacquer unites pieces of ceramic, Kintsugi unites people and is an authentic tribute to family know-how and the refined traditions of the cigar world.

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Alec & Bradley Kintsugi


History and Concept of Alec & Bradley Kintsugi

Descended from an innovative line of cigar makers, Alec & Bradley Kintsugi cigars take their name from a Japanese artistic practice that reveals beauty in reconstruction. This tradition is rooted in the philosophy that nothing is ever truly broken, and that repairing an object can sublimate its history. Alec and Bradley Rubin, sons of Alan Rubin of Alec Bradley Cigars fame, chose the name to symbolize unity and cohesion within the cigar-loving community.

Origin and manufacture

Kintsugi is carefully crafted in Honduras, reflecting the region's rich cigar-making history. The factory that produces this cigar is renowned for its craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each Kintsugi cigar is an example of the cultural blend of cigar-rolling techniques, combining traditional heritage with modern innovation.

Cigar Composition

Alec & Bradley Kintsugi cape is grown in Honduras, known for its superior quality and perfect consistency. The wrapper comes from Nicaragua, adding an extra dimension to the aromatic profile. In terms of filler, this cigar uses a complex blend of tobacco leaves from the fertile soils of Nicaragua and Honduras, giving it a pleasing medium body.

Specific features

The Kintsugi is distinguished by its impeccable construction. With careful attention to leaf selection and minimal veining on the wrapper, the cigar presents a uniformity that allows for even burning. The design of the cigar band, with its gold motifs reminiscent of the kintsugi technique, lends a captivating aesthetic that complements the tasting experience.

Taste profile

Kintsugi offers a flavor profile that blends notes of wood, leather and coffee with mild spicy nuances. Lovers appreciate the smooth transitions of flavors through each third of the cigar, promising a balanced tasting experience and moments of continuous discovery of the different taste notes.

Cultural Impact and Reception

The Alec & Bradley Kintsugi has been positively received by the aficionado community. Critics praise its originality and its ability to stand out in a competitive market. By paying tribute to craftsmanship and unity, this cigar has found its place as a bridge between tradition and novelty in the complex and rich world of cigaromania.


Reflecting the philosophy of beauty perfected by time and history, the Alec & Bradley Kintsugi cigar is an authentic proposition in the world of cigars. Available to enthusiasts seeking a taste experience as much as a fascinating story, it is an outstanding example of family craftsmanship handed down from generation to generation.


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