Large selection of Zino Platinum cigars - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Zino Platinum

The Zino Platinum Serie, from the Davidoff Group, offers a range of six cigar formats with original designs, ideal for travelers thanks to their innovative, virtually hermetically sealed packaging. Combining complexity and balanced power, these cigars appeal to beginners and seasoned enthusiasts alike. The selected tobacco leaves come from the Dominican Republic and Peru, and are matured for four years to create a harmonious blend. Zino Platinum is then wrapped in an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, enriching its aromatic profile. Recognizable by their intense yet smooth smoke, they offer a superior tasting experience, complemented by Zino Platinum XS, perfect for those who want a shorter smoking session without sacrificing quality.

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Zino Platinum


Zino Platinum Series Overview

The Zino Platinum Series is a collection from the renowned Davidoff group, recognized for its fine craftsmanship in the world of premium cigars. This selection includes six unique cigar shapes, ranging in size and profile to cater to various preferences. Zino Platinum cigars are notable for their originality, both in the smoking experience they offer and the distinctive packaging that not only catches the eye but also preserves the cigars in near-perfect conditions, making them ideal for travel.

Geographical Origins and Tobacco Blends

Zino Platinum cigars boast a blend of tobaccos that originate from the Dominican Republic and Peru, regions known for their high-quality leaves. The tobaccos are carefully selected and aged for four years before they are crafted into cigars. This aging process is meant to ensure a blend that is rich and harmonious in flavor.

The Crafting Process

The cigars are enveloped in a Connecticut Shade wrapper grown in Ecuador, which contributes to the overall aromatic richness of the cigar. The use of this particular wrapper is a testament to Zino's commitment to using superior ingredients in their production process. The meticulous aging and attention to the choice of wrapper enhance the individuality of the Zino Platinum Series.

Tasting Notes and Intensity

Upon lighting, Zino Platinum Series cigars deliver an intense smoke that is rich in flavor yet not overpowering, yielding a pleasant smoothness. This profile makes them accessible to both novice and experienced smokers alike. The balanced strength of these cigars is designed to provide a satisfactory experience from the first to the last puff.

The Zino Platinum XS Experience

Among the lineup, the Zino Platinum XS stands out as an option for those seeking a shorter smoking session without compromising on taste. Reflecting its name, the ExSmall size offers a condensed experience, embodying all of the flavorful characteristics of its larger counterparts. It is well-suited for times when a brief, yet satisfying, smoke is desired.

Cultural Impact and Evolution

The Zino Platinum Series, since its introduction, has played a role in shaping cigar culture with its innovative approach to cigar making and presentation. This range has forged a connection between traditional cigar connoisseurship and modern aesthetics and caters to a diverse demographic of cigar enthusiasts around the globe.


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