Zino Classic - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Zino Classic

Zino Classic cigars, from the prestigious Davidoff house, celebrate excellence with a harmonious blend of tobaccos. Rooted in the Honduran terroir, they offer Jamastran tobacco at their heart, infusing each puff with a unique hint of humus. The meticulous addition of Dominican tobacco enriches the flavor palette without masking the soul of Honduras, offering a rich, balanced experience enveloped in complex aromas. The spicy notes typical of cigars from this region blend harmoniously with a lingering sweetness, promising an unforgettable tasting experience. Each Zino Classic is crafted using traditional methods, bearing witness to unrivalled expertise and a passion for innovation that respects tradition while reinterpreting it. In this way, each cigar represents not only a sensory pleasure, but also the expression of an immemorial culture that continues to fascinate and unite aficionados the world over.

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Zino Classic


Zino Classic: A harmonious flavor profile

The world of cigars offers a rich palette of choices for cigar aficionados. Among them, Zino Classic cigars feature prominently. This distinctive range is the work of Davidoff, a company renowned for its long tradition of creating quality cigars. Zino Classic draws its essence from a blend of carefully selected tobaccos, for a refined, aromatic whole.

Origins and Composition

Zino Classic cigars honor their name by drawing on the best of Honduran terroir. Using mainly Honduran Jamastran tobacco, they boast a unique humus taste. But the composition doesn't stop there: a delicate addition of Dominican tobacco completes the blend. This combination creates an exquisite balance that doesn't overshadow the Honduran flavor profile, while giving the cigar an extra dimension.

Tasting Notes

To describe the taste experience of the Zino Classic series is an invitation to describe its complex aromas. These cigars develop both spicy and sweet flavors on the palate, leaving a spicy yet smooth aftertaste. The spicy notes echo the traditional characteristics of Honduran cigars, while the sweetness provided by Dominican tobacco harmonizes the tasting experience.

Manufacture and Features

The manufacture of Zino Classic cigars remains faithful to traditional methods, paying particular attention to every detail. Each cigar is the result of craftsmanship in which the human hand plays a crucial role. From the selection of the tobacco leaves to the final finish, quality is the top priority to offer connoisseurs a well-constructed cigar with a smooth, pleasant draw.

Tradition and Innovation

The cigar industry is a marriage of age-old tradition and constant innovation. Zino Classic cigars fully embody this, remaining faithful to timeless recipes while incorporating innovative elements. This respect for origins, tempered by a visionary spirit, gives rise to cigars that are both contemporary and carry with them the heritage of historic know-how.

Cultural Impact

Cigar culture, transcending borders and eras, finds in each series like the Zino Classic an expression of its evolution. These cigars are not only products of pleasure; they are also witnesses to a tradition that perpetuates and renews itself, reflecting an art of living that seduces and unites enthusiasts around a common passion for excellence and sharing.


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