VegaFina 2 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Handmade by Tabacalera de Garcia in the Dominican Republic, VegaFina cigars are distinguished by their smoothness and quality. Composed mainly of Dominican Olor and Piloto Cubano tobaccos, with the addition of Colombian tobacco, these cigars also use Sumatra tobacco from Java for the wrapper, and an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. Recognizable by their regular combustion and precise draw, these cigars offer a smooth aromatic profile, ideal for beginners, while captivating regular cigar enthusiasts. VegaFina offers an excellent introduction to the world of cigars, with accessible, quality products at affordable prices. The brand blends tradition and innovation, maintaining its classic essence and international appreciation among cigar-loving communities.

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Introduction to VegaFina cigars

Stemming from the Tabacalera de Garcia craftsmanship, VegaFina cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic. They are renowned for their accessibility and offer cigar lovers a richly flavored experience.

Origin and Composition

VegaFina cigars draw their essence from the fertile lands of the Dominican Republic. Their compositions incorporating Dominican Olor and Piloto Cubano tobacco varieties and a touch of Colombian tobacco distinguish their taste profiles.

The binder is made from Sumatra tobacco from Java, while the wrapper is selected from the Connecticut tobacco variety grown in Ecuador.

Manufacture and Features

Each VegaFina is meticulously crafted in La Romana, where the tradition of hand-crafting is perpetuated. The brand offers a range of modules, each designed to meet a variety of preferences.

Thanks to its meticulous construction, the VegaFina cigar ensures regular combustion and a precise draw, essential for tasting.

Aromatic Profile

The aroma profile of VegaFina cigars is generally mild, making them ideal as an introduction to the world of cigars. They offer a balanced palette of earthy and woody notes, sometimes accompanied by subtle nuances of coffee or caramel.

The balance between sweetness and aromatic richness gives VegaFina a much-appreciated character, while remaining accessible to a wide range of aficionados.

Positioning and accessibility

VegaFina has positioned itself on the market as a brand of choice for those seeking a quality cigar at an affordable price. Its range of products provides a pleasant introduction for new enthusiasts, as well as a satisfying experience for regular smokers.

Tradition and Innovation

The brand maintains a deep connection with the traditions of the cigar industry, while remaining open to innovation. VegaFina manages to maintain the classic essence of the Dominican cigar while integrating contemporary processes and blends.

This translates into international recognition and continued appreciation within the cigar-loving community, reinforcing the craze for cigar culture around the world.


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