The essence of Tres Hermanos
Born of the quest for a cigar personalized for its creator and his friends, the Tres Hermanos brand offers a range of cigars recognizable by their particular manufacturing process. Aimed at discerning cigar aficionados, this cigar is the result of a natural maturing process, without the introduction of chemicals, ensuring a remarkable quality of taste.
Design and Manufacturing Processes
Tres Hermanos cigars are the fruit of an artisanal method based on traditional know-how. The tobacco is naturally fermented until it reaches the desired level of quality, with particular attention paid to the finishing of the wrapper, the cigar's distinctive visual element.
Taste and Flavor Profile
These cigars offer a pronounced taste profile, seeking above all a balance between strength and smoothness, to prevent any uncomfortable sensation during tasting. The flavor is designed to evoke the best olfactory and gustatory experiences for vitola enthusiasts.
Unique Composition and Assembly
Like a grand cru, Tres Hermanos cigars are made from a blend of leaves from different origins: a quarter to a third come from the Caribbean, supplemented by Dominican and Peruvian leaves, while the binder is Dominican and the wrapper Ecuadorian, giving the cigars their own identity and a sought-after aromatic complexity.
Origin and terroir
The distinctive blend of tobaccos used for Tres Hermanos cigars embraces the particularities of Caribbean, Dominican, Peruvian and Ecuadorian terroirs. Each region's tobacco culture contributes to the final bouquet, offering the aficionado a geographical reading through the aromas and flavors of these rich lands.
Manufacturing and Quality
The care taken in the creation process is palpable in every cigar. Manual production in Costa Rica guarantees not only precision in construction, but also the uniqueness of each cigar, ensuring smokers a consistent experience in terms of draw and combustion.