Tita Dominicana Sun Grown cigars
Tita Dominicana Sun Grown cigars embody a marriage of tobaccos of diverse origins within an already globally diversified offering. Cigar smoking is an age-old practice that has spanned centuries of history and innovation. This category is part of a constant evolution in smoking practices and preferences.
Origin and composition
As their name suggests, Tita Dominicana Sun Grown come from the Dominican Republic, a land renowned for its fine tobaccos. They are renowned for incorporating aged Dominican tobaccos, renowned for their aromatic characteristics, combined with Paraguay tobaccos, rarer in the cigar world. The wrapper uses an Ecuadorian sun grown Connecticut leaf, known for its distinctive chestnut color and mild qualities.
Manufacturing and know-how
The construction of these cigars respects classic roulade codes, with particular attention paid to leaf selection. The sun grown method produces a wrapper with developed aromas and a smooth, uniform visual aesthetic, reflecting a meticulous manufacturing process.
Tasting profile
Tita Dominicana Sun Grown cigars have a medium-strength profile, making them suitable for a wide range of cigar lovers. On the palate, there's a symphony of cedar notes, enhanced by subtle traces of caramel and almonds. These taste characteristics form an appreciable balance, meeting the varied expectations of the cigar-loving community.
Tradition and innovation
The combination of traditional techniques with the selection of less conventional tobaccos, such as those from Paraguay, testifies to constant innovation in the cigar industry. Tita Dominicana Sun Grown cigars are part of a tradition of enhancing the value of different geographical origins while incorporating new taste trends.
History and development
Cigar culture and tasting have evolved from the exclusivity of the elite to a more global appreciation of the art of cigar making. Categories such as Tita Dominicana Sun Grown illustrate the democratization of this experience and its adaptation to today's preferences, while preserving a rich and historic cultural heritage.