Silencio Black - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Silencio Black

Silencio Black, launched in 2006, transcends the concept of a cigar brand to become an iconic tasting experience. Each cigar is crafted with exceptional expertise, aiming to deliver a remarkable taste adventure characterized by richness, balance and power. The unique Connecticut tobacco wrapper is fermented to reveal a deep espresso hue, encapsulating a blend of Dominican and Mexican tobacco complemented by an aged Dominican Piloto wrapper. The result is a robust yet subtle flavor profile, with an unsurpassed sweetness that aficionados admire. Silencio Black stands as a true expression of luxury in the world of cigars, offering unforgettable sensations to connoisseurs in search of impeccable quality and taste.

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Silencio Black


Introduction to Silencio Black

Silencio Black represents a brand in the world of cigars, attracting the attention of tobacco enthusiasts. Officially launched in 2006, this range is renowned for the quality of its craftsmanship and the sophistication of its products. The care taken in creating each cigar aims to ensure a tasting experience distinguished by its balance and aromatic richness.

Constitution and origin

The Silencio Black cigar features a wrapper of Connecticut tobacco leaves. Once fermented, these leaves develop a dark color reminiscent of espresso. Inside, an exclusive blend of Dominican and Mexican tobacco is complemented by an aged Dominican Piloto wrapper, guaranteeing its unique aromatic profile.

Manufacturing Processes

Silencio Black is the fruit of a meticulous manufacturing process. The fermentation stage is crucial to obtaining the wrapper's distinctive hue, while the blending of tobaccos is carried out according to strictly defined recipes and proportions. This meticulous attention to detail during production ensures consistent quality for every cigar in the range.

Taste profile

In terms of tasting, Silencio Black offers full, nuanced flavors. Lovers can expect rich notes wrapped in a remarkable sweetness, creating a satisfying balance between intensity and gustatory refinement.

Tradition and Innovation

The cigar world has always valued tradition, but innovation also plays a role in the evolution of tastes and production methods. Silencio Black embodies the heritage of ancestral know-how while adopting modern techniques to enhance the quality and complexity of its flavors.

Culture and Global Impact

The impact of brands such as Silencio Black on cigar culture is significant. They help shape consumer expectations and define what is expected of a good cigar. Since its creation, Silencio Black has become a preferred choice for many smokers around the world, influencing trends and preferences in the field.


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