Cigars Psyko7 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Psyko7 cigars, created in 2013 by Ventura Cigar Company and led by innovator Michael Giannini, are renowned for their original blend of tobaccos from South and Central America. They offer a range from mild to full-bodied notes, with special editions like the PSyKo SEVEN Nicaragua, created with Indiana Ortez. These cigars are rolled by experienced craftsmen, and are available in different formats such as robusto and churchill. Despite their recent entry into the market, Psyko7s have had an impact on cigar culture, inviting connoisseurs to discover unique flavors and supporting innovation in the cigar industry.

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    Introduction to Psyko7 cigars

    Psyko7 cigars are distinguished by their original design and tobacco blend. Launched in 2013 by Ventura Cigar Company, they have established themselves on the market thanks to innovative blends and an innovative approach to cigar making. Sobriety and balance characterize this product, which targets cigar aficionados looking for new taste experiences.

    Origins and manufacturing

    The initial craze for Psyko7 cigars is based on their unique recipe combining up to seven different tobaccos. The leaves come from various regions, providing a complexity that fascinates aficionados. Precise, conscientious manufacturing follows tradition while incorporating innovative processes to guarantee consistent quality.

    Basic blends

    Psyko7's original blend features a combination of South and Central American tobaccos, with notes that are balanced and accessible. This care in leaf selection is reflected in the flavor profile, offering a satisfying experience for a variety of palates.

    Special Editions

    Collaboration with figures such as Michael Giannini and Indiana Ortez testifies to the brand's commitment to innovation. The creation of the special edition PSyKo SEVEN Nicaragua embodies this ambition, honoring the rich aromas of this renowned terroir.

    Taste and Flavor Profile

    Psyko7 cigars offer a spectrum of flavors to suit all tastes, from mild, creamy notes to full-bodied, spicy tones. The diversity of terroirs represented in each cigar brings specific nuances that delight the taster with every puff.

    Rolling techniques

    Psyko7 cigars are rolled by experienced torcedores, ensuring even combustion and optimum traction. This artisanal expertise is crucial to revealing the richness of the blends and delivering a consistent, enjoyable smoking experience.

    Dimensions and formats

    The brand offers different formats, from robusto to churchill, enabling smokers to choose the right size for their moment of relaxation. Each vitola is designed to highlight the characteristics of the blend, ensuring satisfaction and comfort during smoking.

    Heritage and Cultural Impact

    Despite their relative infancy in the cigar world, Psyko7 have created a legacy marked by the pursuit of excellence and an appreciation of tradition. Their impact on cigar culture is palpable, inspiring enthusiasts to explore beyond established brands and discover little-known flavors.

    Contribution to Cigar World

    The Psyko7 series has helped diversify the cigar market, offering robust alternatives full of character. This has encouraged competition and innovation, leading to a richer, more varied cigar scene.

    Reception by Amateurs

    The recognition of Psyko7 cigars by the cigar-smoking community has been built around consistency in quality and variety in taste. This has enabled Psyko7 to establish itself firmly on the list of choices of cigar connoisseurs the world over.


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