La Galera Habano - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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La Galera Habano

La Galera Habano cigars, from the Dominican Republic, celebrate the best of tradition and quality in the world of cigars. Their Habano-Ecuador wrappers, known for enriching aroma and combustion, combine a choice of premium Dominican tobaccos, such as Piloto Cubano for its richness, Criollo 98 for its balance, and Pelo de Oro for its complexity, resulting in a distinctive flavor profile. Smokers can savor notes of coffee, leather, dried fruit and a spicy finish, based on ancestral rolling methods and adjustments to modern tastes. The La Galera Habano brand itself carries the heritage of the Dominican Republic's centuries-old tobacco-growing and cigar-making traditions.

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La Galera Habano


The foundations of La Galera Habano

Galera Habano represents a collection renowned in the cigar world for its distinctive characteristics and commitment to tradition. Sourced from the Dominican Republic, these cigars are made mainly from locally grown tobaccos. The wrapper, crucial to the cigar's aroma and combustion, is made from Habano-Ecuador, renowned for its quality and taste.

Tripe assembly

La Galera Habano tripe is a skilful blend of Dominican tobaccos selected for their quality and aromas. These include Piloto Cubano, renowned for its richness, Criollo 98, known for its balance, and Pelo de Oro, appreciated for its complexity. These varieties, grown in fertile regions of the Dominican Republic, contribute to an authentic taste profile.

The Cape: A Dominican Corojo

The wrapper for cigars in the La Galera Habano range is a Dominican Corojo. This specific type is chosen for its ability to enrich the overall flavor of the cigar with a touch of local character. This strategic selection directly affects the smoker's experience, adding distinctive earthy notes to the cigar.

Tasting Notes

Smokers of La Galera Habano can expect a diverse tasting experience. Flavor notes typically include accents of dried fruit, leather, and coffee, accompanied by a spicy finish. This richness of flavor is due in large part to the combination of tobaccos used, as well as to the skillful rolling technique of the craftsmen.

Traditions and Innovations

The notion of tradition plays a central role in the manufacture of La Galera Habano cigars, with authentic rolling methods and know-how handed down from generation to generation. These traditions blend harmoniously with innovations, such as the use of improved tobacco varieties and adaptation to current smoker preferences.

Cigar history and culture

Cigars have always played an important role in many cultures around the world, and La Galera Habano is part of that history. The brand itself, with cigar series like Habano, is the result of centuries of evolution in the art of tobacco growing and cigar making. Each La Galera Habano cigar is thus a chapter in history, reflecting the cigar-making traditions of the Dominican Republic.


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