La Flor Dominicana Limited Edition: Cigar diversity
La Flor Dominicana offers a range of Limited Edition cigars characterized by a variety of flavors, compositions and origins. In this presentation, we'll look at each category separately, offering a factual overview of the specifics that define them.
Andalusian Bull
The Andalusian Bull cigar is made with a corojo wrapper from Ecuador and a blend of tobaccos grown in the Dominican Republic. It offers a complex taste profile, combining spice and sweetness, and falls into the category of full-bodied cigars.
Salomon Único
This limited series celebrates the expertise of Dominican rollers with unique creations in every box. The Salomon Único showcases the craftsmen's manual skills, combining originality and quality, with a blend of tobaccos that ensure the distinctive character of each piece.
La Nox
Nox presents deep notes with its Brazilian maduro wrapper, San Andrés binder and specific fillers made from Dominican Piloto and Pelo de Oro. Its smoky profile and rich flavors reflect a harmony of elegance and strength.
Capitulo II
Created by Antonio Gomez, Capitulo II is defined by a quest for power and aromatic richness, with a blend of Dominican Ligero tobacco, Brazilian Habano capes and Nicaraguan Mr. Brown. It is intended for connoisseurs thanks to its notable intensity.
Factory Press
Factory Press is La Flor Dominicana's declaration of authentic, atypical experiences. Its montage of tobaccos aged in a Mexican maduro leaf, coupled with a distinctive pressing, results in an atypical structure and a limited edition that intrigues.
The Limitado features particularly dark Sumatran wrappers, combined with a Nicaraguan binder and Dominican fillers. The cigar expresses a full, spicy flavor in keeping with the reputation it bears.
This cigar uses fillers and binders grown in 2005 and 2006 on the La Canela estate in the Dominican Republic. Habano's aged wrappers contribute to the reputation of an edition that is as seductive as it is intriguing.
El Museo
El Museo represents a blend of rare Dominican tobaccos, designed as a tribute to the Latin American museum El Museo del Barrio in Harlem. This exceptional edition includes a certificate of authenticity and supports a cultural cause, combining art appreciation and cigar enjoyment.
The DL "A" has been a cigar of tradition since its first release in 2007. In "A" format, it combines a Ligero Sumatra wrapper with Dominican elements, preserved in a box that celebrates the extension of the La Flor Dominicana factory.
Colorado Oscuro
The Colorado Oscuro combines Nicaraguan and Dominican terroirs for a cigar wrapped in a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper and provided with a blend of tobaccos with multiple influences. It offers a gustatory spectacle of power and originality.