La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Natural
Cigar aficionados recognize the La Flor Dominicana brand for its production quality and inventive product development. The Double Ligero Natural model follows in this tradition, offering a distinctive taste profile and meticulous craftsmanship.
Origin and Composition
The Double Ligero Natural draws its originality from its composition of carefully selected, matured tobaccos. The wrapper is Sumatra, grown in sunny Ecuador, known for adding a touch of complexity to the cigar's flavors. Then we find a blend of Dominican Republic tobaccos for the binder and filler, giving body and intensity to the blend.
Construction and Manufacturing
This model is remarkable for its predominant use of "Ligero" tobacco, harvested from the upper regions of the plant, giving it a high nicotine content and robust flavors. The art of blending practiced by La Flor Dominicana accentuates the rich palette of tastes and the smoker's overall experience.
Taste profile
Double Ligero Natural is distinguished by the delicate, complex notes it releases. Aficionados will appreciate the subtle nuances of coffee, leather and sweet spices that run through the tasting, resulting in a tĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte experience with the depths of the artisan terrier.
Cultural Impact and Tradition
The reputation of La Flor Dominicana and its Double Ligero Natural model enrich the cultural palette of cigars. The traditions of Dominican culture and production blend here with innovation to create a product of unique character, attesting to the evolution and diversification of the cigar universe.
History and evolution
The history of La Flor Dominicana is part of the larger story of cigar culture. Each new creation is a reflection on the past and a step towards the future, an attempt to mark time and consumer taste. The Double Ligero Natural is thus a chapter in this ongoing narrative, cherishing heritage while shaping trends.