Cigares La Couronne - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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La Couronne

La Couronne embodies the subtle alliance between tradition and innovation, offering exceptional cigars that are the fruit of three years of research and expertise. Two distinct ranges make up the brand's offering: "Gran Reserva", famous for its impeccable construction and enriched flavor profile, and "Seleccion Privada", synonymous with personalization and respect for artisanal methods. Using carefully selected Habanos wrapper leaves from Ecuador, each La Couronne creation is a work of art handcrafted by an experienced Master Blender. These cigars, recognizable by their unique proportions, combine the fullness of traditional Habanos with contemporary sophistication, offering a rich taste experience and marked aromatic complexity. Emblematic of the cultural evolution of cigars, La Couronne is an ode to the excellence of the world's cigar heritage.

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La Couronne


Introducing the La Couronne brand

The La Couronne brand offers a series of cigars that have been in demand for over three years, combining tradition and innovation. These cigars are designed for connoisseurs and reflect a modern approach to cigar culture.

La Couronne cigar ranges

La Couronne offers two main cigar ranges: Gran Reserva and Seleccion Privada. Each range has features to satisfy the varied preferences of cigar smokers.

Gran Reserva

Carefully crafted, the Gran Reserva range is made with Habanos cape leaves from Ecuador. The meticulous leaf selection and treatment process is directed by an experienced Master Blender. These cigars are renowned for their impeccable construction and enhanced flavor profile.

Seleccion Privada

The Seleccion Privada series is the result of a quest for exclusivity, offering a more personalized choice. The cigars in this category stand out for their singularity and their respect for traditional manufacturing methods, adapted to contemporary expectations.

Characteristics of La Couronne cigars

La Couronne is committed to maintaining unique proportions, blending the grandeur of historic cigars with modernity. These cigars are designed to create a memorable taste experience, with balanced aromas and complexity on the palate.

Origin and tobacco

La Couronne builds on the tradition of Habanos cigars while introducing Ecuadorian wrapper leaves, adding a touch of rich complexity. This fusion ensures a refined, nuanced tasting experience.

Manufacturing and quality

Mastery of the Master Blender plays a key role in the preparation of La Couronne cigars. Handcrafting and rigorous leaf selection guarantee consistent quality and an intact flavor profile.

Culture and evolution of La Couronne cigars

La Couronne is part of the long history of cigars, with innovations that reflect a deep respect for this cultural heritage. The brand contributes to the evolution of the cigar industry by combining tradition with modern aspirations.

Impact on cigar culture

La Couronne cigars enrich the global cigar landscape with an approach that values both the authenticity of tradition and today's quest for excellence. They are a bridge between cigars' prestigious past and their promising future.


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