La Aurora Principles - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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The Aurora Principles

La Aurora Principes cigars are famous for their excellent value for money and their provenance from the Dominican Republic, a guarantee of quality tobacco. The Principes Claro series features a Connecticut wrapper, giving the cigar a light color and a delicately sweet note, while the Principes Maduro series offers a dark, robust wrapper and sweet notes thanks to an Indonesian wrapper. These cigars are handmade and renowned for their meticulous construction, ensuring consistency and reliable tasting. The smooth flavors of the Claro Principles and the rich intensity of the Maduro Principles reflect the tradition and innovation of Dominican cigar culture, their positioning in the global market testifying to their popularity and authenticity.

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The Aurora Principles


Introduction to La Aurora Cigars Principles

The La Aurora brand creates cigars in the Dominican Republic, a country renowned for its quality tobacco production. La Aurora Principes cigars offer attractive value-for-money options. Originating from a culture rich in tradition in the art of cigar making, these products attract connoisseurs and new enthusiasts alike.

The Aurora Claro Principles

The Aurora Principes Claro is a well-defined category of cigars, made with tobacco grown in the rich soil of the Dominican Republic. The distinctive feature of this line is its fine Connecticut wrapper, which not only gives the cigar a light, distinguished color, but also adds a slight sweetness to the flavor profile.

La Aurora Maduro Principles

In contrast, La Aurora Principes Maduro is distinguished by its more spirited, darker-colored Maduro cape. The tripe leaves are Dominican, while the undercape comes from Indonesia. This combination generates sweet notes, reflecting the nuanced aromas that can be discovered within this category of cigars.

Construction and Quality

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, La Aurora Principes cigars are appreciated for their meticulous construction. They are hand-assembled by experienced craftsmen, ensuring consistent quality and a reliable smoking experience. Tobacco density and packing are optimized for uniform combustion and good ash retention.

The Tasting Experience

When tasted, La Aurora Principes Claro cigars reveal mild, accessible flavors. Smokers can expect a moderate aromatic experience that pairs ideally with a variety of beverages and contexts. In parallel, Maduro cigars bring increased intensity and deeper notes, while retaining La Aurora's characteristic sweetness.

Position in World Cigar Culture

The Claro and Maduro categories of the La Aurora Principes embody the balance between tradition and innovation. The method of making these cigars draws on the rich heritage of the Dominican Republic and is in line with the global evolution and internationalization of cigar culture. Their popularity attests to the obvious admiration for accessible, reliable and authentic cigars.


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