The Aurora 120 Anniversary
In 2023, La Aurora commemorated its 120th anniversary, a milestone in the world of cigars that testifies to its historic roots in the Dominican Republic. This celebration marks the launch of a line of cigars reflecting the richness and longevity of the brand.
Origin and Tradition
La Aurora has been established since 1903, making it the oldest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic. With a heritage of know-how handed down through generations, it represents excellence in tobacco growing and cigar-making.
Manufacturing Processes
La Aurora 120 Anniversary cigars have been developed using production techniques that combine tradition and innovation. By opting for prolonged aging of the tobacco leaves, this process gives the cigars a complexity and maturity of flavor.
Cigar composition
These cigars feature a selection of carefully chosen tobaccos. The use of leaves from different regions produces a distinctive flavor profile, the result of a carefully balanced blend for harmonious tasting.
Aromatic profile
The tasting notes of La Aurora 120 Anniversary are characterized by a palette that evolves over the course of the tasting. The introduction of flavors of cedar, cinnamon and anise gives way to accents of cocoa, coffee and vanilla, before concluding with a smooth finish marked by nuances of walnut and honey.
Reputation and Impact
The launch of the La Aurora 120 Anniversary has aroused the interest of cigar aficionados thanks to its rich profile and heritage. This line contributes to the development of the Dominican cigar tradition and its influence among connoisseurs the world over.