La Aurora 115 Anniversary - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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The Aurora 115 Anniversary

La Aurora celebrates 115 years of tradition with its 115 Anniversary edition, a gem of the cigar industry made in the Dominican Republic. Fans can choose from three distinct vitolas, each designed to showcase the rich aromas and complex flavors of premium Dominican tobacco. These flavors span an attractive spectrum of nuts, citrus, and exotic spices, promising an unforgettable tasting experience. Prepared with expert precision, the cigars in this series honor a century-old heritage, combining traditional production methods with a modern touch. For those who value longstanding expertise, the 115 Anniversary Edition is more than a cigar - it's a celebration of evolution and passion for the art of cigar making.

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The Aurora 115 Anniversary


Introduction to the Aurora 115 Anniversary Edition

The Aurora cigar brand celebrates its 115th anniversary with the 115 Anniversary Edition. This line commemorates over a century of expertise in the art of cigar production. Made in the Dominican Republic, the 115 Anniversary edition features a selection of cigars distinguished by their carefully selected tobacco blend and impeccable build quality.

The vitolas of the 115 Anniversary edition

This series offers three different formats or vitolas, allowing aficionados to choose according to their personal preferences. These vitolas are designed to highlight the complexity and depth of tobacco flavours, derived from a meticulous combination of leaves from different regions.

Origin and terroir

La Aurora cigars originate in the Dominican Republic, known for its rich terroir conducive to the cultivation of high-quality tobacco. The tobacco used for the 115 Anniversary Edition comes from regions renowned for their excellent climate and fertile soil, key factors influencing the distinct aromatic profile of these cigars.

Composition and features

The tobacco blend chosen for this commemorative edition is the fruit of many years' experience in creating balanced, harmonious blends. The meticulous process of leaf selection and aging contributes to the intensity and complexity of the aromas developed during tasting.

Tasting profile

The 115 Anniversary Edition is characterized by notes of walnut, citrus and exotic spices. This unique flavor profile offers a rich, satisfying experience that evolves throughout the tasting, revealing the quality of the tobaccos and the expertise of the torcedores. Cigar aficionados will appreciate the balance and subtlety of the blend's various components.

Building the cigar

The quality of a cigar's construction is essential to the tasting experience. La Aurora is committed to maintaining high manufacturing standards, with particular attention paid to the construction of each cigar. This process guarantees uniform combustion and good ash retention, essential elements for optimal tasting.

Heritage and tradition in innovation

While honoring traditional cigar production methods, the Aurora 115 Anniversary Edition also represents a modern twist in cigar design. This symbiosis of tradition and innovation is testament to a brand dedicated to excellence, underlining the brand's historical and cultural importance in the evolution of the cigar industry.


The launch of La Aurora 115 Anniversary is a tribute to the history and expertise of one of the world's oldest cigar manufacturers. This diverse series of vitolas offers cigar enthusiasts an opportunity to explore complex flavor profiles and exceptional build quality. The series carries with it La Aurora's history while promising memorable experiences for tasters. For those who appreciate the art of cigar making, the 115 Anniversary Edition is a celebration of long-standing traditions and the constant evolution of cigar-making expertise.


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