Exploring Dominican Gurkha cigars
Gurkha cigars, originally from the Dominican Republic, are rooted in the rugged history of the British Empire's Gurkhas warriors, renowned for their bravery. Drawing on the traditions of these Nepalese soldiers, who rolled their own tobacco, Gurkha cigars have forged a reputation within the Dominican market for premium cigars and limited editions.
Gurkha Ghost
Gurkha Ghost is distinguished by its multi-layered flavor profile, blending sweetness and earthy notes with aromas reminiscent of cocoa and cinnamon. Rated 93, it offers a rich, medium-bodied taste experience. The construction of this cigar includes a Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro wrapper, a Criollo 1998 wrapper, and a filler from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
Cellar Reserve 15 Years
Cellar Reserve 15 Years cigars are distinguished by their unique blend of 15-year aged tobaccos. Their wrapper of Criollo Nicaragua wraps a sub-wrapper of Dominican Republic Olor and a tripe of aged Dominican tobaccos, combined with Nicaraguan tobacco. These aged components create a tasty, balanced smoke of medium strength.
Cellar Reserve 18 Years Edicion Especial
With an 18-year-old Dominican Corojo wrapper, Cellar Reserve 18 Years Edicion Especial cigars represent an even more upmarket offering. They are balanced by a Cameroonian wrapper and a Nicaraguan filler. This line is one of the limited editions, affirming the Gurkha brand's position in the world of cigars.
Other noteworthy ranges
The Gurkha cigar range also extends to other collections such as Cellar Reserve 21 Years, Gurkha Royal Challenge, Gurkha Seduction, and Gurkha Grand Reserve. Each variety has its own nuances and complexities, while respecting the heritage and quality associated with the Gurkha brand. What's more, Gurkha from Nicaragua offers a geographical alternative with its own distinctive characteristics.