Gurkha Ghost - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Gurkha Ghost

Gurkha Ghost cigars are distinguished by their elegance and seductive character. Adorned with a Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro wrapper of striking visual and gustatory depth, they are enhanced by an aged 1998 Criollo wrapper, adding to the balance of the aromatic profile. This is complemented by meticulously selected tripe from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, renowned for its superior quality. With a complexity of flavors, including subtle notes of earth, cocoa and cinnamon, these cigars offer a rich, medium-bodied experience. Receiving a positive reception from the enthusiast community, the Gurkha Ghost achieved an admirable score of 93, testifying to the superior quality and luxury craftsmanship perpetuated by the Gurkha brand.

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Gurkha Ghost


Overview of Gurkha Ghost Cigars

Gurkha Ghost cigars present a distinguished blend that is fitting for any aficionado's collection. The line features a Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro wrapper that lends a dark and rich appearance to the cigar. Often noted for medium to full-bodied strength, these cigars are produced to cater to a palate favoring layered flavor profiles.

Wrapper: Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro

The outermost layer of the Gurkha Ghost is a Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro wrapper. Originating from Brazil, this type of wrapper is known for its dark color and robust taste. It contributes to the depth of the cigars' flavor, offering a bold start to the smoking experience.

Binder: Criollo 1998

Underneath lies a Criollo 1998 binder, an aged tobacco revered for its rich history and contribution to the construction of a cigar. The Criollo 1998 is a significant component that complements the Maduro wrapper, bringing a balance to the profile with its unique properties.

Filler: Dominican Republic and Nicaragua

The filler blend of the Gurkha Ghost cigars consists of carefully selected tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. This combination encapsulates the traditional cigar-making regions known for producing diverse and flavorful tobaccos. It accents the overall smoking experience with a complexity of tastes.

Tasting Notes and Flavor Profile

The Gurkha Ghost line is recognized for its rich and medium-bodied profile. Smokers can expect a multilayered arrangement of flavors, including subtle hints of earthiness complemented by persistent notes of cocoa and cinnamon. These flavors are well-rounded and deliver a palatable complexity with each draw.

Rating and Reception

Achieving a rating of 93, the Gurkha Ghost cigars have been favorably received within the cigar community. This high score is indicative of the cigar's quality in terms of blend, construction, and overall smoking experience.

Manufacturing and Craftsmanship

Gurkha cigars, including the Ghost line, are crafted with a dedication to quality and intricacy. The brand takes pride in its selective process of sourcing and combining tobaccos, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable product for consumers.

The Legacy of Gurkha Cigars

The Gurkha brand is renowned for its history and contribution to the cigar culture. With origins dating back to the 19th century, Gurkha has established a name synonymous with luxury and premium craftsmanship. The Ghost series continues this legacy, offering a modern embodiment of the brand's commitment to excellence.

Cultural Impact of Cigar Categories

Different categories of cigars like the Gurkha Ghost hold their unique places within the overarching cigar culture. They reflect the traditions and innovations of the industry, from the cultivation of tobacco to the meticulous art of cigar making. Each category brings with it a story and an influence on the diverse tastes and preferences of cigar enthusiasts across the globe.


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