The Gurkha Cellar Reserve 18 Years Edicion Especial is a limited edition offered by the Gurkha brand, renowned for its innovative approach to creating quality cigars. This cigar is distinguished by its use of aged tobaccos and a meticulous selection of leaves, promising a rich experience for connoisseurs.
Cape features
The wrapper for this cigar comes from the Dominican Republic and is of the Corojo variety, aged for 18 years. This long ageing period gives it unique taste characteristics. The Corojo wrapper is renowned for its medium to full body and spicy notes, offering a distinctive flavor profile.
Sous-cape and Tripe
The wrapper comes from Cameroon, a precious terroir in cigar making that translates into a certain sweetness and complexity. The filler is made from Nicaraguan tobacco, known for its spicy character and rich aromas, which will add depth to the smoking.
Manufacturing and Quality
Gurkha Cellar Reserve 18 Years are assembled with extreme care, rigorously sorted tobaccos, and particular attention paid to the quality of construction. This process guarantees not only uniform combustion, but also consistency in the smoker's experience.
Tasting Notes
When tasting, cigar aficionados can expect complex, well-balanced flavors. Notes typically associated with this cigar range from mild spices to hints of leather, with a background of cocoa and dried fruit, reflecting the richness of the tobaccos selected.
Tradition and Innovation
Gurkha cigars combine the age-old tradition of cigar making with innovative methods. The use of aged tobaccos, in this case 18 years, bears witness to ancestral know-how, while introducing new approaches to blending and blending that mark the brand's identity.
Cultural Impact
Throughout their history, Gurkha cigars have influenced cigar culture worldwide. Special editions, such as the Cellar Reserve 18 Years, bring much-appreciated diversity to the market and cultivate connoisseurs' interest in rare flavors and niche production techniques.