Griffin's 2 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Griffin's cigars reflect a unique union between the Swiss tradition of Geneva's luxury discotheque "Griffin's" and Davidoff's manufacturing expertise. Each cigar is made with a rigorous selection of tobacco leaves, guaranteeing even burning and a balanced flavor profile, ranging from woody and spicy to creamy and nutty. The brand combines respect for traditional methods with technical innovation, distinguishing itself by its glamorous image and cultural impact in the cigar industry as a symbol of social distinction.

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Origins of Griffin's cigars

Griffin's cigars are the result of a close collaboration between the eponymous Geneva nightclub and the expertise of the Davidoff brand. This alliance is the fruit of the vision of a nightclub wishing to associate its image with the refinement of cigars.

The Swiss heritage of these cigars combines tradition and quality, reflected in every detail of their creation. This unique origin marks the very identity of Griffin's cigars, which, with their association with a space of luxury and sociability, have earned a place in the world of aficionados.

Manufacturing features

At the heart of Griffin's cigar-making lies a meticulous selection of tobacco leaves. Sourced from fertile soils and ideal climates, the leaves are carefully picked and processed to develop rich, complex aromas.

The rolling process is carried out with a precision that guarantees homogeneous combustion, a key characteristic sought after by cigar smokers. From the wrapper, to the under-wrapper, to the sorting of the filler, all stages are carried out with meticulous care, resulting in a top-quality product.

Flavor profile

Griffin's cigars, though varied in their offerings, share a general profile that sets them apart. Light to medium notes typically present a palette of flavors ranging from woody and spicy nuances, to milder touches of cream and hazelnut.

Cigar aficionados can look forward to a well-balanced taste experience, with aromas that develop progressively over the course of the tasting. Each pull of the cigar reveals successive layers of flavor, offering a complete and pleasurable experience.

Tradition and Innovation

Respect for traditional cigar-making methods is combined at Griffin's with the adoption of innovations to perfect the finished product. Griffin's cigars reflect the mastery of the old school while adapting to contemporary tastes.

Advances in tobacco growing and rolling techniques have enabled Griffin's cigars to present a constantly renewed offering, meeting the expectations of a changing market while remaining true to a heritage of quality and elegance.

History and Cultural Impact

The entry of Griffin's cigars onto the world stage was marked by a singular story linked to their birthplace. The association with a luxury discotheque has tinged their image with a sophisticated glamour uncommon in the cigar world.

Over time, this brand has elevated its reputation to the ranks of the industry's greats, influencing the perception of the cigar as an accessory of social distinction. The impact of Griffin's cigars extends beyond connoisseur circles to international popular recognition.


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