Gilbert De Montsalvat Lounge Edition - La Couronne S.A.
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Gilbert De Montsalvat Lounge Edition

Gilbert De Montsalvat Lounge Edition cigars celebrate the art of enjoying a Havana in the comfort of a tasting room. With two main formats, the Lounge Pyramides and the Lounge Gordo, these cigars are crafted to enrich the experience of aficionados. The Pyramides displays medium to strong flavors, while the Gordo maintains a medium-bodied profile. Notes of white pepper and bitter almonds mingle with those of leather, creating a complex and inviting aromatic profile. Combining tradition and innovation, the Lounge Edition pays homage to master torcedores while adapting to modern preferences. These cigars are not just exceptional creations, but symbols of a certain art of living, combining sociability and delectation in the world of cigar lovers.

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Gilbert De Montsalvat Lounge Edition


Gilbert De Montsalvat Lounge Edition

The Gilbert De Montsalvat Lounge Edition cigar line stands out in the habano world for its focused approach to the lounge experience. Throughout this presentation, we'll explore the defining characteristics of these refined cigars.

Origin and manufacture

Gilbert De Montsalvat cigars come from a region renowned for its tradition in the art of creating quality cigars. Assembled with distinctive know-how, each piece bears witness to the expertise and meticulousness of the craftsmen responsible for its production.

Specific features

Available in two main formats, Lounge Pyramides and Lounge Gordo, these cigars are designed to be enjoyed in the tranquillity of a tasting room. With their generous dimensions, they invite an engaging experience, allowing smokers to fully immerse themselves in their tasting.

Aromatic profile

The Lounge Pyramides offers flavors that oscillate between medium and strong, while the Lounge Gordo is characterized by a medium-bodied profile. Cigar aficionados will recognize notes of white pepper and toasted aromas at the start, which then evolve into the sweetness of leather and bitter almonds.

Tradition and Innovation

Celebrating tradition while embracing innovation, the Lounge Edition pays homage to the heritage of master torcedores while responding to the contemporary desires of aficionados. The balance between tried-and-tested methods and new influences is reflected in the design and aromatic profile of each cigar.

Cultural Impact

The introduction of the Lounge Edition has found its place within cigar culture, influencing the way connoisseurs enjoy and share their habanos. These cigars are not simply products, but vectors of sociability and the art of living associated with tasting.


The Gilbert De Montsalvat Lounge Edition represents a distinguished choice for those who value the art of smoking in a relaxing and elegant setting. With a taste that reverberates artisanal excellence and a context that celebrates conviviality, these cigars offer a complete and captivating experience.


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