Elite Series - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Elite Series

The E. P. Carrillo Elite Series is a testament to masterful cigar craftsmanship, distinguished by the meticulous selection and aging of high-grade tobaccos from renowned regions such as Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. This premium lineup is celebrated for its expert blending process that crafts a unique smoke with complex flavor profiles, boasting notes of earth, spice, sweetness, and creamy textures. Each cigar is hand-rolled by skilled artisans, ensuring tight rolls for a consistent burn and draw. The series reflects the evolution of cigar culture, melding tradition with innovation and setting industry standards. Dedicated to excellence, the Elite Series encapsulates superior tobacco quality, artistic blending, and precise construction, providing a sophisticated experience for both connoisseurs and casual smokers alike.

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Elite Series


The Elite Series Cigars: A Distinguished Lineup

In the realm of cigar craftsmanship, the Elite Series by E. P. Carrillo stands out for its meticulous selection of tobaccos and distinctive blending processes. Each cigar within this series is an acknowledgment of diligence and expertise in creating a product that offers a unique smoking experience.

Quality of Tobacco

The Elite Series is recognized for its use of high-grade tobaccos. Sourced from fertile regions renowned for their tobacco production, these cigars comprise leaves from countries like Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The chosen tobaccos are aged skillfully to bring out a spectrum of flavors and aromas.

Blending Process

Blending is a crucial stage in the making of these cigars. The process is an art form that demands an in-depth understanding of tobacco's character. It is during this phase that the distinct profiles of the Elite Series are formed, giving each cigar its signature appeal.

Construction and Craftsmanship

Construction is fundamental to a cigar's performance. The Elite Series exemplifies exquisite craftsmanship with its tight, seamless rolls that ensure an even burn and consistent draw. The hand-rolling technique employed in their fabrication is carried out by skilled artisans, honoring the tradition of cigar making.

Tasting Notes and Flavor Profile

Cigars from the Elite Series offer a range of tasting notes. From the introductory notes of earth and spice to the underlying sweetness and creamy textures, these cigars cater to a palate in search of complexity. Each puff is designed to correspond with the smoker's desire for depth in flavor.

Cultural and Historical Impact

The Elite Series does not just represent a product; it narrates the evolution of cigar culture. Reflecting both tradition and innovation, it has contributed to the global appreciation of cigar smoking. Its impact is seen in how it has shaped preferences and set standards within the industry.


Concluding, the Elite Series by E. P. Carrillo is a reflection of dedicated craftsmanship and a deep understanding of cigar excellence. The combination of superior tobacco, expert blending, and meticulous construction culminates in a smoking experience that is well-rounded and consistent, appealing to connoisseurs and casual smokers alike.


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