Don Tomás - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Don Tomás

Don Tomás cigars, originally known as Dos Gonzales, were renamed in 2015 to honor Felix Gonzalez, an emblematic figure at General Cigar Dominicana. These Dominican cigars embody a blend of tradition and accessibility, combining earthy, leathery and spicy flavors, with hints of coffee and nuts. Their crafting combines rigorous tobacco selection and proper aging, guaranteeing a nuanced tasting experience suitable for novices and aficionados alike. Affordable and of consistent quality, Don Tomás cigars offer a wide range of choices and have influenced cigar culture, balancing tradition and innovation.

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Don Tomás


History and heritage

The Don Tomás series was redesigned in 2015, succeeding the one formerly known as Dos Gonzales. The renaming was a tribute to Felix Gonzalez, an influential and dedicated figure at General Cigar Dominicana, whose commitment contributed to the company's reputation for over three decades.

The name change marked a new chapter for the brand, highlighting a cigar offering that aims to combine quality and accessibility. It is a tangible expression of appreciation and respect for craftsmanship and cigar tradition.

Origin and manufacture

Don Tomás cigars are the fruit of Dominican agriculture, known for its fertile soil and ideal climate for growing tobacco. Each cigar is carefully crafted in the Dominican Republic, where years of experience and passion are reflected in the traditional production process.

Meticulous leaf selection, proper tobacco aging and expert rolling guarantee a final product of consistent quality. Cigars are designed to offer a reliable tasting experience, highlighting aromas and flavors characteristic of their geographical provenance.

Flavor profile and tasting notes

Don Tomás cigars are distinguished by their moderately rich, well-balanced flavor profile. They generally reveal flavors of earth, leather and sweet spices, reflecting the diversity of the Dominican terroir. Notes of coffee and walnut are also perceptible, offering a pleasant roundness to the palate.

The tasting experience is nuanced and can vary from cigar to cigar within the range, although the emphasis is on the smoothness of flavors rather than their intensity. The harmony between the different elements of the cigar aims to satisfy both novice and more experienced palates.

Accessibility and product range

Don Tomás cigars aim to make the cigar experience accessible to a wider audience thanks to their attractive price positioning. This allows more aficionados to immerse themselves in the world of premium cigars without compromising quality.

The Don Tomás range includes a variety of formats and sizes, each designed to suit the individual preferences of cigar aficionados. Whether for a brief moment of relaxation or a longer one, there's a Don Tomás to suit every moment of consumption.

Cultural impact and adoption

Don Tomás cigars have helped shape cigar culture, not least through their accessibility and consistent quality. As a globally recognized cigar brand, it has established a remarkable presence, influencing the standards and expectations of consumers around the globe.

The brand has succeeded in maintaining a balance between traditional cigar production methods and the introduction of new practices, earning the respect and loyalty of many cigar enthusiasts. Its evolution reflects the dynamic history of the cigar industry and its role in the globalization of flavors and know-how.


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