Davidoff Cigars: Discover the superior quality of Davidoff cigars
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Davidoff cigars, created by Zino Davidoff, represent the pinnacle of luxury and quality in the tobacco industry. These Swiss-made cigars from Geneva have gained worldwide recognition for their meticulously crafted flavors. Originally a modest family business, Zino transformed his store into a nerve center for Cuban cigars in Europe, while innovating with the invention of the humidor. The Davidoff range includes the Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario and Winston Churchill Late Hour series, each offering distinct experiences, from creamy and balanced to rich and complex. With around 34.1 million cigars produced each year, using carefully selected tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and other regions, Davidoff continues its heritage of excellence. Although quality control disputes with Cuban authorities have led to the relocation of production to the Dominican Republic and Honduras, the commitment to exceptional cigars remains unchanged.

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Davidoff cigars

Davidoff cigars take their name from Zino Davidoff, a visionary in the world of tobacco, hails from Geneva. The brand has built a solid reputation on the quality of its products and its craftsmanship. It has become synonymous with refinement, offering a wide range of internationally acclaimed cigars.

Origins and expansion

Davidoff cigars began their history in Switzerland before expanding worldwide. The brand was first recognized for its production of Cuban cigarsincluding the "ChĂąteaux" series, which was a collaboration with the Hoyo factory in Monterrey. However, due to concerns over quality and control, production was transferred to the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.

Production and Manufacturing

Davidoff's annual production reaches around 34.1 million cigars, with a significant increase in response to growing demand. The Dominican Republic and Honduras are now the main manufacturing sites, where the highest quality tobacco from different regions is selected to create distinctive flavours.

Davidoff NicaraguaEscurio, YamasĂĄ

Davidoff lines NicaraguaEscurio and YamasĂĄ are produced with choice tobacco. For example, Davidoff Nicaragua is renowned for its complex flavor profile, while Davidoff Escurio balances finesse and character, and YamasĂĄ offers spicy, full-bodied notes characteristic of its land of origin.

Classic Series and Limited Editions

Lovers of rich, robust flavors can turn to the Grand Cru series, while the Anniversaire and Signature ranges offer a variety of taste experiences. Davidoff A marks the occasion with limited editions that are often sought after for their singularity and complexity.

Davidoff Winston Churchill Late hour

This line pays tribute to Winston Churchill and is distinguished by its deep flavors, evoking the woodiness of cedar, the richness of spices and the sweetness of dark chocolate, for a memorable taste experience.

Cigarillos Davidoff

Designed for those moments when time is short, Davidoff cigarillos offer a condensed version of the traditional cigar without compromising quality. They are a practical solution for a quick, quality tobacco break.

Storage with Cigar Cellars

Understanding the importance of preservation is key to cigar enjoyment. Davidoff cigar humidors are designed to maintain optimal humidity and temperature conditions, ensuring that quality is maintained right up to the tasting stage.


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