Cigars Davidoff Signature - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Davidoff Signature

Davidoff Signature cigars exemplify a timeless heritage in the world of cigars, seducing enthusiasts with their smooth blend. They offer a perfect balance of woody nuances and fresh floral aromas, complemented by a creamy, clean finish. Crafted with exceptional attention to detail in the Dominican Republic, each cigar guarantees an even burn and an even draw. Ideal for accompanying luxury beverages such as champagne, these cigars also pair well with peated whisky, without overshadowing the cigar's refinement. Representing the essence of sumptuous pleasure and the meeting of tradition and innovation, Davidoff Signature embodies an authentic taste experience and first-class quality, for connoisseurs and neophytes alike.

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Davidoff Signature


Introduction to Davidoff Signature cigars

Davidoff Signature cigars hold a special place in the world of cigars, offering harmoniously blended woody and floral nuances. This range has won over a varied public thanks to its delicate balance and rich aromas.

Origins and development

From the fertile soil of the Dominican Republic, Davidoff Signature cigars are made from carefully selected tobaccos. From the selection of the leaves, to the making of the cigars, right through to their packaging, each stage is the object of scrupulous attention, guaranteeing impeccable quality.

The Taste Profile

The taste profile of Davidoff Signature cigars is characterized by soft but distinctive notes. Cigar enthusiasts will detect hints of precious woods, accompanied by subtle floral flavors and a hint of creamy sweetness, resulting in a refined taste and a satisfying smoking experience.

Pairing and Culinary Experience

The refinement of Davidoff Signature cigars goes perfectly with choice beverages such as champagne. For lovers of more intense sensations, pairing with a smoky whisky can reveal an interesting contrast without overwhelming the cigar's character.

Building the Cigar

Each Davidoff Signature cigar is meticulously crafted, ensuring equal draw and burn. The expert builder knows how to select the best leaves for the wrapper, binder and filler, for a harmonious blend that results in perfect cigar architecture.

Territory and Culture

While respecting traditional methods, Davidoff Signature also incorporates innovations that positively influence cigar culture. This range embodies a meeting of Dominican heritage and a desire for excellence, forging its impact on aficionados the world over.


In short, the Davidoff Signature range offers a balanced spectrum of flavours and first-rate craftsmanship. Whether for the discerning connoisseur or the novice in search of discovery, these cigars provide an iconic experience and bear witness to the brand's historic expertise.


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