Davidoff Millennium - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Davidoff Millennium

Symbolizing the transition to a new era in cigar design, Davidoff Millennium Blend is distinguished by a complex, full-bodied taste. These exceptional cigars are made with quality tobaccos such as Agés Pilato, San Vincente and Olor, combined with an Ecuadorian wrapper. They offer a rich palette of chocolate, caramel, white pepper and spice notes. They lend themselves to perfect pairings with beverages such as robust coffee, rum with hints of coffee and chocolate, or sweet whisky aged in sherry casks. With a variety of formats available, from the pyramid to the small corona, enthusiasts can enjoy varied sensory experiences, both in terms of duration and flavor intensity.

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Davidoff Millennium


Introduction to Davidoff Millennium cigars

Davidoff Millennium cigars embody the fusion of tradition and innovation. This range is the result of a carefully selected blend of tobaccos, designed to offer cigar lovers a complex and nuanced flavor profile.

Origins and Composition

Made in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff Millennium cigars draw their aromatic richness from Agés Pilato, San Vincente and Olor tobaccos. The wrapper, meanwhile, is specially grown in Ecuador, contributing to the range's signature taste.

Manufacturing and Flavors

Each Davidoff Millennium cigar is precision-rolled, guaranteeing impeccable construction and even burning. Strong notes of chocolate, caramel, white pepper and spices create a full-bodied, harmonious taste experience.

Recommended chords

Ideal for accompanied tasting, the flavor profile of Millennium cigars pairs perfectly with robust coffee or rum with light notes of coffee and chocolate. For whisky lovers, a sweet nectar aged in sherry casks complements this cigar.

Range diversity

The Millennium range offers different formats to suit the preferences of every connoisseur: from robusto to pyramid to small corona. Each category offers a unique experience in terms of duration and flavor intensity.

Cultural impact and history

The Davidoff Millennium series has contributed to the evolution of cigar culture by introducing a modern interpretation of classic blends. Its launch coincides with the turn of the millennium, symbolizing both heritage and renewal for cigar connoisseurs the world over.


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