History of cuesta rey
The Cuesta Rey cigar brand dates back to 1884, when Angel La Madrid Cuesta inaugurated his first factory in Cuba. He quickly established himself as a competent and respected manufacturer. Together with Peregrino Rey, they brought to life the internationally acclaimed Cuesta Rey Premium, once selected for the Spanish court of King Alfonso XIII.
Partnership with tabacalera a.fuente
Today, Cuesta-Rey cigars are produced by the renowned Tabacalera A.Fuente in the Dominican Republic, under the aegis of the J.C. Newman Company. Newman Company. This collaboration guarantees a combination of traditional and modern manufacturing techniques.
Le centro fino
Cuesta Rey's Centro Fino is remarkable for its Sumatra-seed Sungrown wrapper, grown in the fertile soils of Quevedo, Ecuador. The essence of Centro Fino lies in the central portion of the tobacco, renowned for its spicy, delicate qualities, constituting the true heart of the cigar.
Manufacturing features and tasting notes
Cuesta Rey cigars are carefully crafted, highlighting the know-how inherited through generations. The blend of tobacco from the Dominican Republic, complemented by a developed Ecuadorian wrapper, and the quality of its maturation guarantee a complex, nuanced flavor profile, often punctuated by woody, spicy or even slightly sweet notes.
Influence and culture
Cuesta Rey's legacy extends beyond its product to the entire cigar culture. From the Spanish court to the contemporary associate with Tabacalera A.Fuente, the brand has influenced the standards of what is expected of a quality cigar and contributed to the reputation of the Dominican cigar industry internationally.