Introduction to Calibre cigars
Hailing from Santiago in the Dominican Republic, the Calibre cigar series represents the expertise of a company dedicated to the creation of top-of-the-range cigars. Having undergone a meticulous manufacturing process, these cigars are renowned for their balance and complexity of flavors.
Manufacturing process
The process of creating Calibre cigars involves over three years of development and 150 separate stages. Each tobacco is carefully selected from the best growing areas of the season, before undergoing multi-phase curing and fermentation.
After this initial transformation, the leaves are conditioned for optimum ageing before being rolled by hand. The cigars are then aged for a further eight months, guaranteeing a high-quality final product.
The Calibre range and its features
Calibre offers four varieties of cigar, each presented in black lacquered boxes that combine elegance and protection. Here's an overview of the features specific to each module:
Calibre 52
This module, harvesting the savory taste of the country, offers a well-rounded, medium-intensity flavor profile. The underlying notes are often a combination of cocoa and wood, with a smooth inhalation and even burn.
Calibre 54
A little bigger, Calibre 54 is for those who prefer a slightly fuller-bodied experience. Leathery aromas and mild spices mingle to create a complete tasting experience, while remaining accessible to the palate.
Calibre 56
Achieving considerable intensity without compromising delicacy, Calibre 56 is bursting with depth. With dark fruit essences and an earthy nuance, it is often chosen by those seeking a cigar with an assertive personality.
Calibre 58
The Calibre 58 is the boldest module in the range, offering a rich and persistent tasting experience. The complex composition of this cigar offers a bouquet of intense aromas, blending spices, dark chocolate and a hint of pepper.
Calibre cigars are the result of a deeply rooted tradition and constant innovation in the art of cigar making. Thanks to a meticulous fermentation and aging process, each variation brings a unique experience, marking both the evolution of cigar art and the associated culture around the world.