Caldwell Linea Long Live The King - La Couronne S.A.
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Caldwell Linea Long Live The King

Caldwell Linea Long Live The King stands out as a prestige cigar, originating in the Dominican Republic and incorporating a tripe of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. The harmonious coexistence of the two terroirs creates a balanced taste profile, sophistically blending Dominican sweetness with the richness of Nicaraguan aromas. Each puff releases complex flavors such as walnut, cedar, cinnamon, butter and pastry, promising a remarkable tasting experience. Robert Caldwell has conceived these cigars as an extension of the ritual begun with "The King is Dead", inviting enthusiasts to revel in a two-act gustatory narrative. More than just an offering of cigars, Linea Long Live The King celebrates the history and evolution of cigar-making tradition, becoming a cultural marker of its time.

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Caldwell Linea Long Live The King


Caldwell Linea Long Live The King: A Refined Offering

Caldwell Linea Long Live The King represent a series of cigars from the Dominican Republic, marking their existence in the industry by the quality of their composition and their distinct taste profile. With a thoughtful blend of tobaccos from various origins, these cigars are a rich option for lovers of complex textures and flavors.

Profile and Construction

Long Live The King cigars feature a Dominican Republic wrapper enveloping a sub-wrapper of the same origin. The filler features a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan leaves. This structure favors a balance of flavors, where Dominican sweetness meets the aromatic richness of Nicaragua.

Tasting Notes

Once lit, the cigar reveals notes of walnut and cedar, with the subtle appearance of cinnamon and gentle hints of butter and pastry. These flavors refine the tasting experience, taking the smoker on a gustatory journey through the traditions of cigar art.

Origin and harvest

Back to terroirs: Caldwell Long Live The King cigars come from the Dominican Republic, known for its ideal climate and fertile soil, ideal for growing high-quality tobacco. The selection of Nicaraguan tobaccos adds to this base, bringing a touch of character to the whole.

Manufacturing and Innovation

Robert Caldwell, the creator of these cigars, has dedicated himself to creating a two-act experience, with "Le Roi est mort" preceding "Long Live The King". This suggests a tasting ritual, inviting enthusiasts to explore the evolution of tastes and aromas.

Cultural Impact

Caldwell's history and the fascinating Linea Long Live The King cigar range also tell the story of cigar evolution. They cover an ancient tradition while innovating, contributing to the richness of cigar culture worldwide. Their impact lies in their ability to link the past with the present, continuing to write the history of cigars.


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