Introduction to Caldwell cigars
Founded in 2014, Caldwell Cigar Company is a brand that has firmly established itself on the market thanks to a philosophy enshrining the use of quality and rare tobaccos. It's a company that puts a premium on the quality of its products and a strong social commitment.
Caldwell's foundations
The brand bears the imprint of its founder, Robert Caldwell, who, thanks to his experience in the industry, pursued the idea of creating a range of cigars distinguished by their originality and impeccable quality. William Ventura, in the Dominican Republic, is the privileged partner who produces these exceptional handcrafted cigars.
Commitment to quality
The "Flavor First" guideline is a pledge of Caldwell's commitment to the pursuit of unique and distinct flavor profiles in its cigars. This maxim underlines the priority given to the smoker's taste experience.
Components of Caldwell cigars
The cigars are made from capes, wrappers and tripe, mainly from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, offering a balance between tradition and flavor discovery.
The diversity of Caldwell cigars
Caldwell offers a variety of cigars, each with its own identity and aromatic palette. Series such as "Keep Cool", "All the Best", "Own your Night", and "Good Luck" evoke specific moments, inviting the experience of new aromas and constructions.
Brand recognition
Caldwell's success is measured by critical acclaim, with high marks from specialist magazines reflecting the consistent quality and care put into each of their creations.
Tradition and innovation
While respecting the tradition of cigar craftsmanship, Caldwell is not afraid to distinguish itself through innovation, both in the selection of sometimes unconventional tobaccos and in the distinctive design of its products.
A consumer-centric approach
Caldwell Cigar Company's consumer-focused philosophy enables us to offer a special, personalized tasting experience, whether for the occasional smoker or the dedicated aficionado.
The cultural impact of Caldwell cigars
The Caldwell brand's contribution to cigar culture is characterized by a desire to break with conformity and offer an alternative that combines tradition with a modern spirit. This has influenced the industry and widened the choice for cigar lovers the world over.