Ashton Symmetry - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Ashton Symmetry

Ashton Symmetry cigars offer the elegance of a blend of rare tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, housed in a silky Equano Habano wrapper, striking a balance between medium to full body and sophistication. With the first inclusion of Nicaraguan tobacco, Ashton marks a bold milestone in its history. Here, traditional craftsmanship meets rich dimensions and a complex flavor profile: sweet spices, hints of oak, creamy contrast, hints of leather and fig, giving the five soft-box formats an unrivaled allure and flavor. This series masterfully illustrates the fusion of tradition and innovation, reinforcing the culture of pleasure and discovery in the world of premium cigars.

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Ashton Symmetry


Introduction to Ashton Symmetry

The Ashton Symmetry cigar line represents a prestigious offering from one of the most recognized names in the cigar world. This series is distinguished by its sophisticated blend of premium tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.

Origin and composition

Ashton Symmetry cigars feature a balanced Equano Habano wrapper, grown in an ecosystem that enjoys a climate conducive to the production of excellent tobacco leaves. The blend features the use of Nicaraguan tobacco for the first time in the history of the Ashton brand, marking a bold turning point in its product development.

Manufacturing features

Available in five distinct sizes, the Symmetry series is designed with the soft-box pressing technique, a method that imparts a slightly flattened shape to the cigar, improving grip and providing a consistent smoking experience. Craftsmanship remains at the heart of the process, with meticulous assembly and finishing carried out by expert hands.

Flavor profile

Ashton Symmetry's aromatic profile seduces connoisseurs with its rich palette of flavors. Tasters note the presence of sweet spices and hints of oak, which blend harmoniously from the very first puff. Over time, milky hints of cream add a pleasant contrast, while tones of leather and fig complete this complex, well-balanced bouquet.

Tradition and innovation

In the tradition of great cigars, Ashton Symmetry honors the heritage of centuries-old techniques while introducing innovation through the incorporation of Nicaraguan tobaccos. This fusion of well-established Dominican roots with influences from other tobacco lands reflects the ever-changing global cigar landscape.

Culture and impact

The cigar industry, influenced by brands such as Ashton Symmetry, is a testament to the fascination and passion that surrounds fine smoking. Cigar smokers all over the world appreciate the finesse of the sought-after blends and the luxury that emanates from each series. This appreciation for elaborate products continues to place cigar culture in a context of pleasure and discovery.


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