Ashton Estate Sun Grown - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Ashton Estate Sun Grown

Ashton Estate Sun Grown (ESG) cigars, a standout 'Puros Dominicano' consisting exclusively of Dominican tobacco, are a rare find now gracing our market. These highly sought-after cigars, crafted by the Fuente family, are made to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Ashton label. Known for using quality, exclusive tobacco, the Fuentes have created a luxurious smoke that is on par with the legendary "Opus X". Featuring a complex blend that tantalizes the palate with sweet, peppery, and creamy notes, Ashton ESG cigars promise an extraordinary smoking experience with unrivaled elegance, ideal for special occasions. With the wrapper, binder, and filler all hailing from the Dominican Republic, the ESG is a tribute to tradition and quality in a singular, masterfully engineered cigar.

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Ashton Estate Sun Grown


Overview of Ashton Estate Sun Grown Cigars

The Ashton Estate Sun Grown (ESG) series is a collection of cigars that has garnered attention for its exclusive use of Dominican tobacco. This series stands apart particularly for being a 'Puros Dominicano', meaning all components of the cigar-the wrapper, binder, and filler-are sourced from the Dominican Republic.

Notable for their origin, these cigars emerge from a collaboration with the Fuente family, renowned for their capability to produce high-quality tobacco and cigars. The Ashton ESG line marks a significant addition to the diverse catalog of Ashton's product offerings.

Manufacturing Process

The Ashton ESG benefits from the craftsmanship of the Fuente family, who are tasked with its production. The Fuentes are known for their precise and attentive cultivation practices, which directly impact the quality of the resulting cigars. The meticulous process involves careful selection of tobacco leaves, ensuring only the finest are used for these cigars.

This attention to detail extends to the aging process of the tobacco, which is crucial in developing the cigar's flavor profile. The estate-grown aspect of the Sun Grown line indicates a level of control over the cultivation environment that contributes to the distinctness of these cigars.

Tasting Profile

When it comes to taste, the Ashton ESG series is known for a complex array of flavors that can be experienced upon consumption. Connoisseurs often note the presence of sweet, peppery, and creamy notes that work together to create a rich and refined smoking experience.

The precise blend of tobaccos contributes to this complexity, making it a suitable choice for special occasions or for smokers seeking a sophisticated and full-flavored cigar with a well-rounded profile.

Geographical Origin and Tobacco Varieties

The Dominican Republic is the single source for all the tobacco used in Ashton ESG cigars. This focus on one region allows for a unique consistency and character in the final product. The tobacco varieties are selected for their complementary qualities, ensuring a harmonious blend within the cigar's structure.

Moreover, being a Puros Dominicano sets the ESG apart in an industry where multi-origin blends are more common. This averseness to blending with other region's tobaccos allows the Ashton ESG to showcase the full potential and expression of Dominican tobacco.

Wrap, Binder, and Filler Contributions

Each component of the Ashton ESG cigars plays a significant role in crafting the overall smoking experience. The Dominican wrapper is chosen for its ability to impart a smooth yet engaging surface to the cigar. The binder, also of Dominican origin, supports the structural integrity and contributes to the burn quality.

The filler, comprised of carefully aged Dominican tobacco, is the heart of the cigar, providing the majority of the flavor complexity and body. Through the interplay of these three elements, Ashton ESG cigars deliver a well-balanced and memorable smoke.

Historical Context and Cultural Impact

The Ashton brand, which celebrates over 30 years in the industry, ventured into the Sun Grown territory to create something commemorative. Since its inception, the ESG series has been an embodiment of tradition coupled with innovation, which is a testament to the evolving landscape of cigar manufacturing.

The launch of the Ashton ESG series also spotlights the importance of heritage in cigar culture. It serves as an acknowledgment of the Fuente family's expertise and the Dominican Republic's reputation as a premium tobacco-growing region, while also adding a modern chapter to the Ashton legacy.


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