Ashton Cabinet Selection - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Ashton Cabinet Selection

The Ashton Cabinet Selection cigars are a true embodiment of refinement, offering a luxurious smoking experience for connoisseurs worldwide. With an exquisite Connecticut Shade wrapper in chestnut tones, these cigars hide a distinguished blend of Dominican tobaccos aged for four to five years. The blend yields a rich profile of oak and cream flavors that develop early on and evolve into a complex, yet subtle tapestry of tastes. Each draw from an Ashton Cabinet Selection cigar promises a velvety, full-bodied finish, sure to satisfy even the most sophisticated palate. This line not only elevates cigar culture by blending traditional Dominican craftsmanship with contemporary tastes but also represents the meticulous process involved in its creation, from fermentation to aging of the leaves.

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Ashton Cabinet Selection


Ashton Cabinet Selection Cigars

The Ashton Cabinet Selection represents a line of cigars that appeals to discerning cigar enthusiasts around the globe. Its visual appeal is immediately apparent, boasting a Connecticut Shade wrapper in rich chestnut hues. This series encapsulates the strength and taste synonymous with its Dominican fillers, aged between four to five years.

Origins and Craftsmanship

The Cabinet Selection by Ashton traces its roots to the Dominican Republic, where the skill and tradition of cigar-making has been refined over decades. The Connecticut Shade wrapper is known for its smoothness and light color, which complements the Dominican blend within. Each cigar is constructed with precision, ensuring a consistent draw and burn throughout the smoking experience.

Tobacco Blend and Flavor Profile

The Dominican tobaccos selected for the Ashton Cabinet Selection are aged to achieve a balance of flavors that include hints of oak and cream. Smokers may notice these essences developing progressively, revealing a deliberate yet understated complexity. As the cigar is enjoyed, it gradually builds to a smooth and full-bodied finish.

Manufacturing Particulars

In keeping with tradition, the manufacturing process involves a careful selection of leaves, followed by fermentation and aging. This meticulous attention to detail contributes to the Cabinet Selection's reputation for quality and consistency. The resulting cigar offers a testament to the craftsmanship involved in its creation.

Tasting Notes and Profile

Upon lighting an Ashton Cabinet Selection cigar, the smoker is introduced to a rich tapestry of tastes, beginning with the aforementioned notes of oak and cream. As the cigar burns, subtleties in flavor emerge, catering to enthusiasts who appreciate complexity within their smoking experience.

Impact on Cigar Culture

The Ashton Cabinet Selection has carved out its place in cigar culture by bridging the gap between traditional Dominican flavors and modern smoking preferences. This line of cigars has contributed to the sophistication and evolution of the marketplace, while still honoring the time-honored methods of its Dominican heritage.


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