Fuente Fuente Opus X 4 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Fuente Fuente Opus X

Fuente Fuente Opus X, discovered and cultivated by Carlos Fuente near Santiago in the Dominican Republic, are exceptional cigars renowned for their quality and aromatic complexity. Innovative, these cigars contain up to nine tobacco leaves, going beyond the standard five-leaf constitution to offer a nuanced taste experience. All elements, including wrapper, binder and filler, are sourced from the Dominican Republic, giving Opus X cigars a powerful, balanced profile. The limited production and the challenge of growing the Dominican wrapper, once considered impossible, have made Opus X one of the most sought-after cigars in the world, marking a significant legacy in the cigar industry thanks to its unrivalled quality and cultural influence.

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Fuente Fuente Opus X


Cigars Fuente Fuente Opus X

Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars represent a remarkable category in the world of cigars, known for their distinctive manufacture and taste profile. The genesis of this brand goes back to a crucial discovery by Carlos Fuente in the vicinity of Santiago, in landscapes reminiscent of Cuba's prestigious terroirs.

Contrary to skeptics, Fuente has succeeded in cultivating a cape tobacco in the Dominican Republic of singular quality. ChĂąteau de Fuente tobacco is distinguished by inimitable characteristics, namely strength and a complex set of aromas.

Composition and Construction

The structure of a Fuente Fuente Opus X cigar is more complex than the industry norm. Where the majority of cigars typically feature five tobacco leaves, an Opus X can include up to nine. This design choice creates more nuanced flavors and intensifies the tasting experience.

Each module is carefully assembled, providing the smoker with a book-like progression of aromas and sensations, with clear introductions and developments.

Taste profile

Produced exclusively with leaves from the Dominican Republic, Fuente Fuente Opus X offers a rich, powerful flavor profile. The cape, undercape and tripe are cultivated with great care for a striking result on the palate.

The uniqueness of Opus X also lies in the harmony between the intensity of its taste influences and its exemplary balance throughout the tasting experience.

Geographical origin and production

Carlos Fuente's innovative vision of growing wrapper exclusively in the Dominican Republic places this cigar series among the most nuanced in the world. The Santiago region sets the standard for comparison with other famous terroirs.

Opus X cigars are produced on a limited scale, giving them a character that is as rare as it is sought-after by cigar aficionados and connoisseurs the world over.

Cultural impact and heritage

Despite their relatively recent appearance in cigar history, Fuente Fuente Opus X have quickly carved their name in cigar culture. They symbolize the synthesis between tradition and innovation, setting new benchmarks for quality in the industry.

Their major contribution is recognized by the introduction of a Dominican Republic wrapper, previously considered impossible to grow successfully. This has raised the profile of Dominican tobacco on the world stage.


In short, Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars are the fruit of an avant-garde vision and unwavering perseverance, which have revolutionized the production of top-of-the-range cigars. They embody a subtle balance between richness and elegance, reflecting the lush landscapes in which they come to life.

The worldwide recognition of these emblematic cigars bears witness to their excellence and their ability to integrate into the aristocracy of the world's finest vitolas.


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